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Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:28 pm
by frankymax
Hi- I tried to install this mod using your read me instructions- I thought I followed them to a "T" but after I copied the files DP 7.01 would not open. I had to reinstall DP7 and even then the icon for DP in the dock was gone so I repaired permissions and then all was good. Where could I have gone wrong? I installed after control-clicking on DP7 and going to the resources folder and then copied over and replaced the existing files as you indicated. At this point I'm a little gun-shy to re-apply as DP7 is working fine, but I'd really love to use your mod- the colors are so much better than the default. Any ideas?

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:34 pm
by waxman
this Aruma Mod makes working so much more enjoyable... thanks so much!

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:23 pm
by toodamnhip
After all this time, I have finally decided and purchased the big DP 7 upgrade. Thus, for the 1st time, I am in a position to be more than slightly amused by all this "mod" stuff.
So I am considering, when I DO get DP 7 in a few days, trying your mod.

I do have 2 questions and a comment though:
1) When one upgrades DP 7 to let us say, DP 7.01, does one "lose" the mod in the upgrade process?
2) has MOTU chimed in on this in any way, either recommending or warning against fooling with their program?

As an aside, I do not understand how regular, hard working "folk" can make such beautiful mods and yet, a big company like DP makes the program look so amateur.

I understand that it is more about It is about how it works, and MOTU seemingly deserves GREAT KUDOS for how well DP 7 works. But damn man! Look at that silly interface? All 3 dimensional aspects have been removed, all pale, and flat as a pancake! Is this what we get when businessmen make artistic decisions?

What's up with that man?

James diplomatically makes a user survey to ask what people think but just look at how flat and amateur DP looks compared to these mods? there's no need for any survey, this new DP from 6 on looks terribly plain and dead.

Its absolutely ridiculous! Is it just me or am I missing something here?

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:40 pm
by frankymax Anyone out there...? I guess this means I'm the only person who had this problem installing the mod? Any ideas as to what I did wrong, please advise...


Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:35 pm
by James Steele
toodamnhip wrote: <OPINION>
there's no need for any survey, this new DP from 6 on looks terribly plain and dead.

Its absolutely ridiculous!
Additional tags provided as a complimentary service. Seriously, I think DP6 wasn't all that bad... not perfect... just needed some tweaking. I'm using Amplidood's Code Machine scheme which I like simply because it isn't loaded up with 3D stuff. Less clutter.

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:47 pm
by zed
iPerformer wrote:For those that used Dark Mod or Nova Mod and anybody else that want to try my new mod , here is Aruma Mod (Aruma means Night and it comes from Aymara language).
Very nice. I am going to use bits of it for sure. I really like the dark control panel... that looks very slick. :-)

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:52 pm
by toodamnhip
James Steele wrote:
toodamnhip wrote: <OPINION>
there's no need for any survey, this new DP from 6 on looks terribly plain and dead.

Its absolutely ridiculous!
Additional tags provided as a complimentary service. Seriously, I think DP6 wasn't all that bad... not perfect... just needed some tweaking. I'm using Amplidood's Code Machine scheme which I like simply because it isn't loaded up with 3D stuff. Less clutter.

I thought I prefaced all of that with the word "comment"..which, seems fairly similar to opinion, but yes, it is my strongly held opinion...having two fairly normal, if slightly worn out from yrs of mixing,...... eyeballs..

And, I should have been even more complimentary to YOU my friend as; it shows your thorough attempt to be democratic and unbiased to even provide a survey such as you did!
I for one, would not have had the patience to even think about whether or not the graphical aspect of the "upgrade" looks amateur....It , my OPINION, looks like it was drawn my a 1st yr graphics student. There are few aspects that don;t look too bad though. But in general..Blaaaaah.

And again, seems like DP 7 is a real WINNER...and for that, and MOST importantly as regards that..

Thank You MOTU.....

You could make the interface with crayons as long as it makes amazing audio production easier and more possible...

Now let me get my hands on that darn comping tool!!!..
As soon as I erase all the crayon residue off my comp screen....

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:03 am
by toodamnhip
By the way...MOTU is a very weird company when it comes to communication.

They are tight lipped even about tooting their own horns at times when it comes to features and improvements over past bugs etc...

But especially, they are tight lipped about present time criticisms of their product and admissions to bugs.

That said, it is my OPINION, that they are indeed watching all this "hub bub" over interface mods. And of course, NOT commenting.

I would not be surprised if, "out of nowhere", in some future update, MOTU knocked us all on our butts with a simply STUNNING interface modification....

And, of course, there will have been no hint nor clue it was coming, with all of us having long since "given up" on any chance of MOTU "hearing" our interface chatter.....only to be once again AMAZED at the fact that MOTU was listening after all...

the sneaky lil devils!!!

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:09 am
by toodamnhip
zed wrote:
iPerformer wrote:For those that used Dark Mod or Nova Mod and anybody else that want to try my new mod , here is Aruma Mod (Aruma means Night and it comes from Aymara language).
Very nice. I am going to use bits of it for sure. I really like the dark control panel... that looks very slick. :-)
Use "Bits" of it?

How does one use "bits" of it?
You can cherry pick the parts you like and part you dont without photo shop etc?

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:59 am
by zed
toodamnhip wrote:How does one use "bits" of it?
You can cherry pick the parts you like and part you dont without photo shop etc?
Most of the modifications are just images which replace the ones originally provided by MOTU. So you can just modify things like the pan knob, or the look of the MUTE, SOLO, RECORD buttons by only copying over those images to replace the defaults. I'm hoping (and do believe) that the background colour on that modified control panel is also a colour gradation image which I should be able to find by going through the images provided by iPerformer.

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:17 am
by amergin
to frankymax and toodamnhip,

this is not rocket science, as zed says these are just images being replaced in the most part.

1. first step in modifying anything of value is to make a duplicate and work on that - if anything goes wrong just trash the duplicate and you're back to square 1.

2. OSX applications are actually a type of folder called a Package, this folder contains code as well as images as well as most other files that a running application needs. It is hidden in a package so that most users are kept from the dirty stuff.

3. iPerformer's user interface mods change individual images inside the package and replace them with a different looking image. There are also changes made to certain other files that change fonts, font sizes and/or colours.

4. To look inside any applications Package you should make a duplicate (by right or ctrl clicking on an app in the finder). Then right or ctrl click on the duplicate and choose 'show package contents'. You are now looking inside the folder at the inner contents of the application.

5. You may now change individual items as long as what they are replaced with conforms to what the application expects. i.e. it's no good replacing a little picture of a slider knob with a bigger picture of a slider knob as the app will stumble due to the size difference, however, you can replace a green slider knob with a red slider knob, or whatever.

6. What iPerformer and Amplidood have done is create a visually pleasing set of changes. Anyone is free to change any of these items without breaking DP. Any changes made to your duplicate will need to be applied to another duplicate of DP when a new version comes out (eg 7.01)

I hope this makes sense to those of you who are having difficulty understanding the process.

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:43 am
by frankymax
Thanks Amergin, for your detailed report on how to do this, but that's exactly what I did and my result was the inability to launch DP7 after I did it. I instead got an error message telling me DP could not open. It seems obvious now to me that I must have done something wrong since no one else has had this problem, so I'll just try it again, but I don't relish having to reinstall again from scratch and going through if it fails again. It could be that there's something screwy on my Mac but that doesn't make sense since this mod only affects DP and the program otherwise seems to work flawlessly. I'll give it another try when I get time and report back. Back to studying up on being a rocket scientist! :)

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:05 am
by Crashdown
:roll: .... I miss the 5.13 GUI.... :roll:

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:23 pm
by zed
Crashdown wrote: :roll: .... I miss the 5.13 GUI.... :roll:
After spending a few weeks in DP6 or DP7 you will probably go back to DP5 and realize that you don't miss it at all.

Re: NEW iPerformer's Aruma Mod for DP7!!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:42 pm
by James Steele
zed wrote:
Crashdown wrote: :roll: .... I miss the 5.13 GUI.... :roll:
After spending a few weeks in DP6 or DP7 you will probably go back to DP5 and realize that you don't miss it at all.