"Cinematic" - Posted before, but...

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"Cinematic" - Posted before, but...

Post by Kubi »

Well, I posted this last January...

But since there's a whole new forum here just for this purpose, and since there's a whole bunch of new 'faces' around, and since it's not like this is playing in 1500 radio stations and everybody has already heard this CD (though it IS playing on KCRW in LA...), so, well, here it is:


My CD "Cinematic" - Music for the stories unfolding in your head. Equal parts progressive film score, academic concert music and ambient electro pop. Best enjoyed when you have time to escape: while driving, flying or just sinking into the sofa with a drink.

Composed, programmed, recorded and mixed entirely in DP4, on a 2x2G5, with a PCI424, MOTU 2408mk3 interface, and using a Lucid AD 9624 for AD and two Benchmark DAC-1s for DA.

Mastered by the incomparable Stephen Marsh at Threshold Sound and Vision

On this CD I played a good number of custom-made instruments (tin can banjo, marbellan), as well as a few standard ones (bass, guitar, percussion.) And the immense talents of five extraordinarily accomplished musician friends helped make my own so-so playing sound so much better...

VIs that figured in heavily were EWSO Gold, Absynth, Atmosphere, and MachFive running all my old SampleCell libraries.

As for mix plug-ins, URS native eq, Sonalksis Compressor, Tritone Digital plugs and Waves RennPlugs saw a lot of action. Also Altiverb and AudioDamage plugs, especially the Dubstation. It's on almost every track.

For the more, shall we say, 'interesting' processing chores I used a good number of pluggos, incl my all-time favorite limiting/distortion box, jk limofive, as well as Soundhack Spectral Shapers and the Spirit Canyon Audio impulse files inside Altiverb. And a lot more...

Analog processing was a whole army of Electro-Harmonix and Electrix processors, a vintage Magne-Cordette Tube pre, and my "make everything sound better" box, the Aurora Audio GTQ2mkIII mic pre. Mics used were Baby Bottle, Oktava MC012, Cad E300, SM57, and a D550 (mic, not the rackmount synth.)

Mixed on NS-10Ms driven by a Hafler P3000, plus a pair of Sennheiser HD600 headphones, driven by the DAC-1.

Available at CD Baby, Amazon.com and iTunes

Click here to have a listen!
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