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Forgot how to mute, solo bunch of tracks in the mixer

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:01 pm
by michkhol
Hi all,
coming back to DP (11.3) after working in other DAWs, I worked on a mixing project. I had a bunch of related tracks like kick mics, snare mics, overheads, the usual stuff. I needed to put plugins on them, mute them, solo them, show/hide them in the mixer, etc.

I did not want to switch to Track window, preferring doing everything in the Mixer, because I needed other windows and I had only one monitor.

For each instrument I ended up creating an aux track to put plugins into and mute them, a VCA group to be able to solo them, and a track folder to be able to hide them if necessary. For instance, for two kick mics I had one aux, one VCA and one folder. The same for snare mics and overheads. The same for the whole drums, guitars, keys, etc. As a result I ended up with a big number of tracks that was difficult to handle.

And I still could not figure out how to solo only Reverb aux track without muting everything else.

I searched in the forum but I could not find a comprehensive solution to all of the problems mentioned here. I think I forgot how to do it in DP, in other DAWs it was pretty easy actually. Could someone point me to the right direction?