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Exporting soundbites with sync points [figured out a solution]

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:41 am
by philbrown
Happy New Femtosecond, y'all.

I've never used sync points in soundbites before.
I've read the manual and looked through the archives here.
I'll save you most of the details -
I have about 20 cues (mono soundbites) where I have inserted sync points.
When I select them, right click and "export selected soundbites" as WAV de-interleaved
(as there's no mono option I can see) the soundbites are exported
but the sync points are lost.
Alternately, when I try to select the soundbites and drag to a finder folder DP crashes every time.
DP also consistently crashes when I select the soundbites and drag them to a Clipping folder.

I'm screwed whatever way I go. :banghead:
Any help appreciated.

Re: Exporting soundbites with sync points [figured out a solution]

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:27 am
by philbrown
All my cues are in a file called CUES.
I open a song where I need those cues and then
File > Load and just load the soundbites from the CUES file.
Then I can drag the cues from the Soundbites window into
the graphic editor wherever I need them in the timeline.
I was originally going to drag from a Finder window,
so this is probably a better workflow anyway.