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Controlling 828es Preamps via OSC from Gig Performer

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:50 pm
by dustinkay
Hello all,

I am a OSC newbie and I am trying to get control of my 828 es preamps over OSC
I have moved more into the digital realm of guitar playing and finding gig performer for live processing suitable for me
Since Gig performer has OSC capabilities I was wondering if anyone here has experience getting OSC to work in any program on more recent OSC devices like the 828es. Ive seen the touch osc layouts for some of the others. but they MOTU doesnt have anything out for more modern devices.

Id love to be able to just stay in gig performer to control my preamps and do some extra processing instead of switching screens or crossing the room to grab the gain knob. eventually id love to try to use it as a proper mixing console in a hybrid pro audio control mixing setup with 3rd party plugins doing additional processing for live full band performances

I have seen the OSC Quick reference PDF, but I cant make sense of it. or figure out how to use it to make them talk to each other

any help would be appreciated!

Re: Controlling 828es Preamps via OSC from Gig Performer

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:13 am
by dhjdhj
The Direct Addressable OSC feature in GP 4.7 can be used to specify arbitrary OSC addresses along with a target IP address (usually and port that matches MOTU's CueMix OSC settings.

For something even more complex, the SendOSCMessage statement can be used inside GPScript to create arbitrary OSC messages with multiple arguments