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Motu general mixer setting help

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:15 pm
by madmetal
I am using a Motu stage-b16 for recording rehearsals: 8 drum mics, vocal, keys, bass and guitar. The general routing is no issue but i know nothing about A) using multiple buses for various inputs and then routing them to one output source(pa, monitors, etc). I'm actually using 3 output destinations - dedicated vocal speakers (802s), floors and general band instrument cabs (sp-2 bi-amped). So for this i might have 1 or more mics routed to the 802's. The sp-2 would have the 8 drum channels (each needing there own settings), bass, guitar and keys. Conceptually i have the picture, just not sure how this correlates to using various buses, sends etc
B) basic channel controls & and good base line settings as well as using group buses/faders etc.

Motu's docs seem scattered between various random pdfs,on-line blurps, videos etc (a real complaint for me). I admittedly know very little about good recording\mixing settings.
Any help to reference material or even starting suggestions for things like creating and routing buses, channel fader levels:db,unity or infinity setting. I am guessing the fader level setting are somewhat tied to the amp db\volt settings (peavey cs-800 and pv-1500).
I am sure i could slop my way through it, but would certainly appreciate advice from those that know and avoid beginner pitfalls.