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Please help with drum machine sync to dp10,11

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:29 am
by dannyjm
I haven't posted here for quite a while but after reading through the first 20 or so pages of 125 MIDI sync problems I don't see anyone reporting this kind of problem. I'm using DP with a MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV and a Boss DR880 drum machine. When I set the Boss to sync to MIDI and set DP to transmit MIDI beat clocks, the drum machine starts but the tempo is wildly fast and the buffer soon overloads with. I have set the (DR880) device to receive both MTC and MIDI beat clocks in the Mac MIDI set-up app(I've also tried different combos such as just MTC and just MIDI beat clocks). The DR880 seems to be set up to only recognize MIDI beat clocks. Fine. All I want to do, and it seems like it should be so simple, is to have DP control the tempo and beats so I can record with the drum machine and then play back the recording so that the drums are synched to the beats and measures in the sequence so it can be easily edited using the edit grid. I tried to use the drum machine as the master and sync DP to the drum machine. Frustrated, I set up DP to receive sync from the drum machine and set the DR880 to use internal sync. This actually seems like it works- the measures and beats tick by in DP in sync with the drum machine as I record. I set the DP tempo before recording to the same numerical tempo as I have on the drum machine. When I unclick the sync to external button in DP and play the recording back, the tempo is super slow and completely out of sync with the audio recording I just made. Any ideas out there? What am I missing?