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how do you fix this?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:08 am
by mikeharper
So I am editing some MIDI tracks and I realize I deleted some material on a track a few hours ago. What the best to recover from this?
I would think open a autosave version and recopy that material back in to the newer version.
Any other ideas? Thanks in advanced.

Re: how do you fix this?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:31 am
by stubbsonic
Hmmm. If you did a save of your current version, then did a bunch of undo's (or open undo history?) and got back to your pre-deleted track with the material intact-- then copy that data to your clipboard (select-all from that track). Then close your project without saving. The re-open the saved project (with the data still in the clipboard?) and paste it back in. This is a guess. Not sure if it would work.

Re: how do you fix this?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:33 am
by mikehalloran
AutoSave has come to the rescue more than once for me.

If the mistake is a few hours old, that can be tricky. I would move all of the Autosaves that you know were created later out of the folder and into another one. This gives you fewer choices as you open them trying to find the best one.

Undo also works but can take longer till you find the right state.

Mac users can enter Time Machine to find a Snapshot that comes closest to the time before the mistake was made—this normally takes less than a minute. When Restoring, check Keep Both to avoid overwriting later work in case you want to try the other methods.