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Printing Preroll/countoff Stremers and Punches when Bouncing to disk

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:06 am
by andybrick
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if there is a way to bounce to a quicktime file from a DP files that includes film scoring events in the preroll before bar 1 = SMPTE of the movie. I tried making the bounce region -1 to end but that didnt work and tried setting the countoff settings to include streamers and punches and whereas they playback correctly they dont render in a bounce.

I have made a video of the issue and uploaded it to youtube. You can find it here:

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

Andy Brick

Re: Printing Preroll/countoff Stremers and Punches when Bouncing to disk

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:20 am
by lampfilmusic
Good question and no solution I know of. MOTU team are brilliantly responsive, so would be worth putting in a request for this feature (minus SMPTE count-off), which should not be hard to implement.

Meanwhile, it's possible to get around this by:

(i) adding one or two empty bars (measures) at the start of the film music cue.
(ii) Alternatively, generating click tracks with DP's 2-bar count off also works, so long as the tempo is not too slow, in which case use (i) above.

Re: Printing Preroll/countoff Stremers and Punches when Bouncing to disk

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:42 pm
by James Steele
Not sure, but if you need some info on adding negative bars to your project, you might be interested in skimming this topic: