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iPad Opinions Requested!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:10 pm
by wdegillio
My first-generation iPad Air has given up the ghost, and I'm ready to replace it with a current model. I'm trying to decide between a iPad (7th gen.) and the iPad Air(3). (I don't think I'll need the horsepower of the Pro for my applications, as great as they are.) I'd love to hear some opinions on how the entry-level iPad handles basic synth apps. I won't be doing any heavy-duty sequencing or music production with it- I'll leave that to my desktop system. The better quality, reduced-glare display on the Air is quite tempting, but money is an object, and the price difference can be put into the accessories I'll need (case, Camera Adapter, etc.). Opinions please!

Re: iPad Opinions Requested!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:03 am
by CharlzS
No opinion on which one, but check the referb store if budget conscious. Some good discounts, full warranty and AppleCare available on all. Bought my last 6G there and no complaints. ... d-ipad-air

Re: iPad Opinions Requested!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:49 am
by mikehalloran
I can't think of doing music on an iPad without having the horsepower and storage of a Pro under the hood. Mine's a 2nd gen and I see there are some in the Refurb Store.

I gig live and record to DP with mine.

As nice as the current versions must be, I have no desire to get the latest and greatest.

The following lets you hook up anything and has a headphone out jack. After a bump took out the jack in my Air 1—the only fix is a new motherboard—this saved my butt. Being USB 3, latency is so low as to be undetectable. ... 05&sr=8-10

Requires the CCK. ... 210&sr=8-2

Re: iPad Opinions Requested!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:25 am
by leigh
I strongly recommend the iPad Pro (2nd gen.), too!

Re: iPad Opinions Requested!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:38 am
by MIDI Life Crisis
I can only tell you about my own experience going from the original 2nd generation iPad to the iPad Pro. I have to agree with Mike that the power behind the pro, as well as a larger screen, will be well worth the extra $$$. The case, etc. is a minor consideration, IMO. The main thing is getting the hardware that will serve you well.

I tend to look at such things like this. My MP trashcan cost $4k plus another $1k in various accessories. Total, about $5k. I've had it since later 2013. That's 6.5 years so far. Let say it lasts to late 2021 (unlikely it will go south anytime soon, but for arguments sake) that would be 8 years.

$5k divided by 8 years is about $625/year, about $52/month or $1.75/day. Is your music worth that, even if you're not using it for production? And frankly, why not use it for production? Some synth apps are just crazy good. I just loaded the Korg Wavestation and M1 synths for $30 each and both cards for the M1 at $5 each. I have the Korg Legacy package on my Mac but these ipad synths are just as good, if not better in some ways. The GUI is much improved and the sound is nothing short of fantastic.

I get that money is an object. It is here and most everywhere. I also know that you get what you pay for. This is a once in a decade purchase for most. Expanding my earlier example, if my trashcan lasts a decade (more than likely) I'm down to about $1.40/day.

In that light, I'd say get the best machine you can and don't try to pinch pennies. In the long run, that will only hold you back when you want to push the system a bit.

OTOH, if you already know that you simply don't want to spend the money, I'd stay away from the "air" version of hardware, personally. I like being able to plug hardwired stuff in when wireless gets wonky.

At any rate, that my $1.42 worth of advice.

Re: iPad Opinions Requested!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:47 pm
by wdegillio
Gentlemen, thanks so much for your help with my request. You've given me much food for thought here; everyone stay safe!