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Galaxy Bank/Librarian transfers

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:47 pm
by botu
I'm new to DP and I'm considering Unisyn to manage my patches for Oberheim Xpander, Yamaha TX 816, Roland d-550 which currently reside in Galaxy/OS9. Has anyone any experience in transfering Galaxy items to Unisyn OSX? I have some fairly massive patches libs and bank-by-bank sysex is not really an effecitve solution. Thanks for your views.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:44 am
by markwayne
Oh boy! The million dollar question. I made this leap a couple of years ago and, at this point, I would strongly advise forgetting about Unisyn as it appears that MOTU certainly has. I have had to resort to adding an old Mac running OS9/Galaxy to my MIDI network just for patch management.

I have just over two dozen MIDI devices some of which I have owned for over twenty years and I have llibraries of patches archived in Galaxy which are several folders deep. I've resigned myself to keeping at least one old Mac around for the forseeable future or lose years and years of work. I did much of this archiving when I was young, unmarried, and on the road full-time often with very little to do during the day. I could not begin to find the time to recreate this library now.

Now, if your rig is like mine, the next question will be . . . how do I get my patch names to show up reliably in DP? Answer: use CherryPicker to hack together some MIDI name files and then enjoy the mixed success you will have getting them all to work. As for just importing all of those Galaxy files? Sadly, there is, as far as I know, no way to get from there to here.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:26 pm
by npatton
This may not be the full solution for you, but I know DP 1.5 (OS 9) could open Galaxy files. I don't know if any comments or other data gets transferred, though. I still have loads of D-50 banks in Galaxy format that I'm about to try to convert into Unisyn 1.52, then from there into Unisyn 2.11. (I'm sorta rediscovering my first synth...)

At least I'll have the banks/patches available. I, however, haven't put all the time into my library that you guys have, so I'm not looking at losing all that work. :?

Dunno if that helps. Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:19 am
by miket
I solved this problem with Soundiver 3.05. On a OS9 HD I loaded both Galaxy+ and Soundiver which run with OMS 2.3.8, then I saved all synth patches in .MID format.
Last step is loading DP 4.61 and Unisyn 2.11 on OSX and resaving patches into the new format.


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:09 am
by markwayne
I solved this problem with Soundiver 3.05. On a OS9 HD I loaded both Galaxy+ and Soundiver which run with OMS 2.3.8, then I saved all synth patches in .MID format.
Could you elaborate on this a little? Do you mean that Soundiver 3.x will open Galaxy+ format files and allow you to then change the format? If that's the case, that would make Soundiver well worth the investment for me. If you mean that you copied and pasted patches between the two applications by hand one at a time, well, I at one time started this process between Galaxy and Unisyn under OS9 and finally gave up due to crashes (they seem to have a slightly different way of dealing with patch data) and the sheer size of the project. (Literally thousands of banks of patches.)


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:41 am
by miket
markwayne wrote:
I solved this problem with Soundiver 3.05. On a OS9 HD I loaded both Galaxy+ and Soundiver which run with OMS 2.3.8, then I saved all synth patches in .MID format.
Could you elaborate on this a little? Do you mean that Soundiver 3.x will open Galaxy+ format files and allow you to then change the format? If that's the case, that would make Soundiver well worth the investment for me. If you mean that you copied and pasted patches between the two applications by hand one at a time, well, I at one time started this process between Galaxy and Unisyn under OS9 and finally gave up due to crashes (they seem to have a slightly different way of dealing with patch data) and the sheer size of the project. (Literally thousands of banks of patches.)

Hi Wayne

I'll try to explain what I did.
I keep open the two programs at the same time (Galaxy+ and SoundDiver). The programs don't crash because they use OMS 2.3.8.

First I load the patches from Galaxy+ TO the instrument, then I shift to SoundDiver and ask to load the patches FROM the instrument to the Mac.
When all the patches are loaded into SoundDiver I save them as a .MID

Then whan all the .MID files are done I shift to MacOSX and send them with Digital Performer.

Once sent patches to the instrument, I load Unisyn 2.1 and ask for a bulk dump.

That's all.

All in all is quite time consuming, but as far as I know, it's the only way I found to transfer patches from OS9 to OSX.


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:20 am
by PhireAlly
This link worked for my older OMS names that were created when I used SV Pro 4. I don't remember if my Galaxy files worked.
It's worth a try.

Good Luck