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Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 5:31 pm
by massimosammi
Hi there,

I'm trying to use Cycle Recording in DP10,

I make a selection - update the memory cycle to selection bounds - enable the memory cycle, enable overdub record enable the track, and press record. I make sure that in that part of the panel everything else is off, including auto record.

During the first pass - I see the red region that happens when you record, but after arriving at the end of the memory cycle, and going back to the beginning, DP stops recording, even in the transport bar the red circle doesn't show up anymore.

Any input on how to avoid this?


Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:26 am
by Phil O
massimosammi wrote:During the first pass - I see the red region that happens when you record, but after arriving at the end of the memory cycle, and going back to the beginning, DP stops recording, even in the transport bar the red circle doesn't show up anymore.
This is the behavior one sees when overdub is not on. Double check to see that it's actually the overdub button you're clicking on. I've used this feature in 10.01 and it's working on my installation. I can't think of anything else. Perhaps someone else has run into this. :?


Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:58 am
by bayswater
Do you have auto-stop enabled? As per the manual "The Memory Cycle button and the Auto-Stop button cannot be enabled at the same time."

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:51 am
by Phil O
Resurrecting this old thread because I had this very same problem yesterday and seemed to have fixed it (at least in my situation).
This was a project I started in 10.11 with a template created in 10.01 and I was working in 10.13. The overdub button made no difference in cycle record's behavior. I tried in a newly created project and it worked fine, so I decided to load the chunk into a new project. This solved the problem and all is working correctly now.
I only mention this because when a project file appears to be otherwise working fine and we run into a problem sometimes we forget that files can become corrupt. The Load command can sometimes be a valuable recovery tool.

Your friendly neighborhood Phil

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:21 pm
by MIDI Life Crisis
So I wonder if retroactive MIDI record resets at the loopback?

Asking for no good reason at all... lol

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:10 am
by Phil O
Forgive my ignorance, but what is retroactive MIDI?

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:41 am
by HCMarkus
Phil O wrote:Forgive my ignorance, but what is retroactive MIDI?
It's like radioactive MIDI... both new, little known features in DP.

(I think. he meant retrospective MIDI)

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:00 pm
by Phil O
Hmm. That shows you how much MIDI I do. I have in fact never visited that chapter in manual. I guess there are things that I have totally ignored in DP. I tend to work on a need to know basis.

Like I said, forgive my ignorance. :shock:

Your friendly neighborhood Phil

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:51 pm
by MIDI Life Crisis
HCMarkus wrote:
Phil O wrote:Forgive my ignorance, but what is retroactive MIDI?
It's like radioactive MIDI... both new, little known features in DP.

(I think. he meant retrospective MIDI)
I meant radioactive... lol Yes, retrospective. Wonderful feature. Edit/SMPTE track was doing this over 20 years ago. Basically DP is always recording MIDI whether you hit record or not. So if you get a good take or forgot to hit record, you can capture what you just did... even if the transport is stopped! Crazy, huh? It has saved my butt MANY times when composing or executing a tricky passage.

Re: Cycle Recording not Working

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:42 am
by Phil O
Yeah, I've used the punchguard feature for audio, but didn't know about the MIDI stuff. But I'm pretty much 99 44/100% audio in my work. (And I fully expect an ivory pun coming from a pianist.)

Your friendly neighborhood Phil