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DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:28 pm
by dannyjm
And it wasn't pretty. For some reason it is next to impossible to upgrade from Yosemite 10.10.5 to El Capitan 10.11.6 using ANY downloads available in the Ap store, at least on my mid 2011 imac 27". One guy on the mac discussion forums said the only way was to take the whole, heavy, akward imac to the genius bar. Not bloody likely. My nephew is a mac genius and he did not have an answer immediately but was going to research it. I happen to have a macbook pro that I upgraded a while ago from yosemite to El Capitan and I found the installation ap on my hard drive so I'm running it right now and it seems to be working. Can't wait to use DP 10 with the whole app zoom thing and try out the new improved beat detection.

Re: DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:42 pm
by stubbsonic
Yea, there was a point with Apples OS's where you had to make sure you downloaded the installer whether or not you were ready to make the jump. I'm still on El Cap now, and have the next few versions on stand-by (i.e., downloaded but never installed).

Good luck. I'm getting the impression there are the usual wobbles with this new version. Hopefully, MOTU will have those things ironed out before too long.

Re: DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:57 pm
by mikehalloran
All you need is the complete 10.11.6 installer. If not downloaded onto your machine at the time it was current, it won’t be in the App Store.

You can get it from anyone who has ever had it installed. After they download it, the installer file must be zipped before copying or it might not work on your machine. This is important.

After you copy it over, unzip and run the installer. If it doesn’t work, run Disk Utility from the installer and update the disk drivers. Now it should install.

Re: DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:47 am
by dannyjm
Ok thanks guys for the info. I didn’t have to zip before copying the installer. I guess because I didn’t know. All app zoom is a little disappointing as it leaves white frames around but I’m glad yesterday’s battle is over and I can play with all my new plugins. I kind of went crazy on the UAD February sale.
Plus got an 8 channel extender for my Mackie MCU.

Re: DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:48 am
by emulatorloo
Loved Yosemite, hated El Capitan, found love again with High Sierra. Of course your mileage may vary.

Have Mojave on my “regular drive”. High Sierra on the music drive.

Re: DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:36 am
by mikehalloran
emulatorloo wrote:Loved Yosemite, hated El Capitan, found love again with High Sierra. Of course your mileage may vary.

Have Mojave on my “regular drive”. High Sierra on the music drive.
Sounds about right.

High Sierra is the last OS a 2011 can install but it works best over APFS on an SSD. If you still have that spinning heat pump in there, long past time to get rid of it. Among the other benefits is that the GPU will no longer be subjected to the overheating and cooling that eventually cracks the solder joints.

Pretty easy on a 2011. A 2TB SSD and the tools to do the job runs about $350. I wrote a tutorial on these last night and can post it here if anyone needs. Takes an hour if you've never done one. I do 'em in half that time one-handed.

Re: DP 10 made me upgrade to El Capitan

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:09 am
by MIDI Life Crisis
mikehalloran wrote: Pretty easy on a 2011. A 2TB SSD and the tools to do the job runs about $350.
Unfortunately, if you own a trash can a 2TB (floor model!) SSD will run you $900 and a 4TB $2k.

The biggest downside of the 2013 Mac Pro...
