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MachFive v.3 Not Finding MachFive v.2-saved Samples

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 5:05 am
by lampfilmusic
Had a problem that opening in DP9 with MachFive v.3 - a project originally made with DP8 and MachFive v.2: that samples were no-longer appearing in Parts' Programs.

FINALLY solved the problem. In a nutshell, M5v3 cannot find samples from M5v2 programs. The M5v2 programs have to be *re-loaded* manually into M5v3 from .m5p files previously saved on hard disk, then *re-saved* from M5v3 to replace the M5v2 programs with new M5v3 programs. Then all is fine again. :roll:

Re: MachFive v.3 Not Finding MachFive v.2-saved Samples

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 1:14 am
by lampfilmusic
The following kafkaesque error message from DP9 was interesting:


You cannot save this document with extension ".M5p" at the end of the name. The required extension is ".M5p".

You can choose to use both, so that your file name ends in ".M5p.M5p".


If you click on the default 'Use .M5p' button in the error alert window, DP writes the (new) .M5p file format (that happens to have the same name suffix). This can be used to over-write MachFive v.2 programs that have been opened in MachFive v.3 after an upgrade.