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DP 9 and VEP6 - preserved instances not connecting

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:19 am
by ronlobomusic
Hi there,

I have updated to VEP6 and DP9 and still can't make the preserved instances connect.

When I try to insert a VEP 6 pro in my DP9 session so that I can connect it to my VEP 6 server (where I have my vienna loaded) DP 9 crashes with a message error.

I already tried the fix that you guys have sent me:

Workaround fix for VE Pro 6 plug-ins in DP 9.51 on macOS High Sierra

1.) Run the Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 (OS X) build 6.0.16778 installer from Restart the computer.

2.) Open the Applications folder and drag the Digital Performer application to the trash. If you have multiple versions of DP, be sure to drag all versions to the trash.

3.) Hold the Option Key while clicking on the Finder's "GO" drop-down menu, select Library, then open the Preferences folder. Find the com.motu.MotuAudioSystem folder and drag it to the trash. Empty the trash.

4.) Download the DP 9.51 installer available at and run the installer.

5.) Find the VST folder (System HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/) and rename the folder to anything other than “VST” (for example, “VST_temp”).

Your Audio Unit and MAS VE Pro 6 plug-ins will now be available in Digital Performer 9.51.

The only drawback with this workaround is that no VST plug-ins (only AU, MAS and AAX) will be available on this system as long as the VST folder is not named "VST"

-------> And still not working...if anybody has a sugestion please let me know.



Re: DP 9 and VEP6 - preserved instances not connecting

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:13 am
by leigh
Thanks for posting this. I was about to try the steps you outlined and now I'll wait.

VSL points the finger at MOTU; MOTU points the finger at VSL. Nothing get's fixed.


Re: DP 9 and VEP6 - preserved instances not connecting

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:18 am
by sinkd
Glad to find this, but I am still struggling with the same issue. Do I need to hide ALL of the VST folders for the rescan to work? Maddening.


Re: DP 9 and VEP6 - preserved instances not connecting

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:10 am
by rickindies
Anybody got it to work? Just bought new Mac pro. Did the suggested workaround, apparently in didn't work for me. It work for the first attempt. But when I quit DP and try to reopen it'll crash again.

The only workaround I found that work is that I have to trash the com.motummotuaudiosystem folder everytime I want to launch DP. Then when i launch dp, dp will rescan all the plugins as if it's a new installed plugins (with vst folder modified/hidden)Then it'll work with no crash. DP will open Ve pro AU just fine as long as I don't quit the Dp

Any other suggestions?