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DP 9: Loooong pause between selecting tracks between VI's

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:43 pm
by dreamuse
I'm sure there's a thread about this, but I was unable to find it:

I'm finding the promise of DP9's rendering to be undercut by the fact that, at least on my system, it's taking forever when I select MIDI tracks belonging to different VI's. I'm sure DP's un-rendering one track to allow you to play the VI, and then rendering it when you stop selecting any of the VI's tracks, and yea, it's a lot of work. Still, to see the beach ball coming on while hunting for sounds between VI's is maddening.

The alternative is continue to host VI's through VEP on the same system (which I started doing way back in the 32 bit days). Though this sucks up processing (as the tracks can't be pre-rendered), at least I can select between instruments instantly.

Just tried this in 9.51...same deal.

Am I missing a setting here? I'd love to make use of pre-rendering and keep the buffers blissfully small.

Much thanks,


Re: DP 9: Loooong pause between selecting tracks between VI

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:14 pm
by dix
I’ve not experienced this. I can complete most projects with a buffer of 256. Can you tell us more about your setup, Len? Mac, I/O, buffer setting etc.

Re: DP 9: Loooong pause between selecting tracks between VI

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:33 am
by dreamuse
Hi there, and glad to hear you're not seeing this.

I need to update my user info, but in short I've got a 2009, 5,1 12-core at 3.46 Ghz w/ 64 Gig of memory.

I found something interesting this morning: I saved one instance of Kontakt within VEP. When I instantiated it within DP, I still had a lag between jumping into and out of that VI and other VI's I instantiated "fresh" within DP. However, if I jump between those fresh instruments, there's no lag. I'm thinking the Kontakt file is getting something added to it from DP when I do a save (I'm not saving the VEP project separately), that's causing a lot of complexity.

I also have this lag time when selecting the instance of Kontakt within VEP (which is also being hosted on my system).

More to come as I figure things out. I really need to, as I have a lot of projects which use VEP-instantiated plugins on the same machine, as it saved a lot of CPU horsepower this way.
