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ilok authorization on g5

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:53 am
by beppe
Hi, I Have installed mx4 with DP 4.5 on two Power Mac G5 (2x1.8 and 2x2ghz) but both the computers don't see the iLok...
It work perfectly on my titanium 867...
Someone have this problem for authorize mx4 on powermac g5?

Re: ilok authorization on g5

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:56 am
by beppe
errata corrige:
the computers see the iLok in system profiler, but the mx4 on starting don't see the iLok...

Re: ilok authorization on g5

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:18 pm
by swiftness
Have you gone to and registered? Maybe their "synchronize" feature will help?

Re: ilok authorization on g5

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:41 pm
by swiftness
BTW, you'll want to download the most recent version of there software, or they may delete all your OS X preferences, like they did to me... twice.
Dear valued user,

We're writing to you today because there was an issue with that could have affected you. If you used a Mac OS X system to perform an iLok operation, like Synchronize, iLok to iLok transfer, or iLok to user transfer, between November 17th, 4:00 PM and November 18th, 10:30 AM PST, then it is possible that some of your Mac OS X preferences have been inadvertently deleted.

You are receiving this mail because you have been identified as using the site during this period. This issue is not widespread but it is serious. We are writing you directly to provide an explanation of the issue.

If some of your preferences have been deleted, then you will need to restore them from a backup. If you do not have a backup, then you will have to restore your preferences manually, using the interfaces provided by the software that you use. If you are not using Mac OS X to access, then you are not affected.

This problem has been resolved. However, in order to avoid any further problems you must download and install an update of the iLok helper client software as soon as possible before performing any further iLok operations.

Re: ilok authorization on g5

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:08 am
by beppe
yes, the iLok is sync whit the, and both the mac are news, only the system is installed, whit DP 4.5 and mx4, no other software, no older preferences...
I try also whit iLok of Mach 5 (after installing this one), but the result is the same. The iLoks work properly on my titanium 867 and on my G5 1.8 mono...

Re: ilok authorization on g5

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 4:38 am
by beppe
evidently there was something not compatible with the new g5s... the release 5.1.2 of the ilok driver resolves the problem!