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Connecting Sibelius 8 to DP 9

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:04 am
by Gone To Lunch
I would like to be able to link each instrument in Sibelius to a track in DP so I can compose in the former and mix in the latter.

I found this site by Joel Roston ... -performer and had a go, but I could not get it to work ?

I would have expected that DP would need to receive some form of external synch, or maybe both should be clocked or some such through my 828 or what ?

Has anyone done this ? Is it possible ?

Re: Connecting Sibelius 8 to DP 9

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:38 am
by mikehalloran
I see no reason why the method described wouldn't work with DP 8 and Sibelius 7 as described. Note that he does it in the box.

DP 9 should be no different. I don't know about Sibelius 8 but would be surprised if itwas that much different than 7 where MIDI is concerned.

Unfortunately, any directions that include sentences such as, Create the number of MIDI tracks that you need (one for each instrument, I’d think) and choose the appropriate output… assume that you bring a lot of knowledge to the table, in this case, exactly how MIDI, IAC and VIs work in DP. If you don't, time to spend some quality time with both manuals, especially DP.

It would be nice for everyone if Mr. Roston wrote a step by step description but he didn't. It does look doable.

I don't use Sibelius but I can see how this might work between Finale and DP 9. If I can spend a few days playing around, I think I could make it work.