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DP9 - Some files crash on loading, some don't?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:43 am
by kaltee
I'm currently working on a 5 song project, 3 of them open fine and can be worked on, but for some reason the other 2 crash before opening. They're not bigger files than the others. The loading bar normally opens (sometimes doesn't), but crashes before it actually opens.

I'm not sure what other info I can give. They're all .dpdoc files, I have a HP laptop with 6GB ram.

Re: DP9 - Some files crash on loading, some don't?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:47 pm
by xmission
It may be a plugin issue. See my problem and answers from MOTU:

"Create a new project.
Choose File->Load
Select the project you are trying to open. Highlight and click Open.
Select the Sequence you are trying to load on the right; if there is only one, select it.
Check all eight boxes underneath.
Decide how you want to handle soundbites
Click OK

The load process can take a few minutes. When done you won't see anything change on the screen. Open the Chunks Window (Shift-C) and you will see two Chunks, "Seq-1", which is the default name for a Chunk in a new project, and the name of the Chunk you loaded from your original project, (which may also be called "Seq-1" if you never changed it). Play enable (click the grey arrow button for the Chunk you just loaded; the default "Seq-1" Chunk's play arrow should be blue) the chunk you just loaded. Save as, quit, and try to reopen."

And then

"Thanks for confirming. This could be an issue with one of the plug-ins loaded. I believe if you hold the Alt key while the application is booting, through its whole boot sequence, you will be prompted to choose a plug-in set to boot from. Try selecting "Safe" and see if you can open the previously saved project file."