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How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:06 am
by spitfire31
I happen to hate Consolidated Editing with a vengeance. I'm still on DP7.24 and in the prefs, there's a check box on top of the Consolidated tab where you "Enable Consoldidated Editing".

According to the DP9 pdf manual, that option check box should still be there. If it were, I'd have unchecked it first thing.

In reality, in the DP9 demo I'm running on Mac OS 10.9.5, there is NO check box. It just isn't there.

So, I'm stuck with those pesky consolidated windows and I won't upgrade to DP9 until I can deselect the Consolidated straitjacket.

I suspect that the DP9 pdf manual is in reality the DP8 manual, with some perfunctory editing, since the map and the terrain don't agree on several counts.

Anybody succeded in permanently disable Consolidated Editing in DP9?

I'd love to know how to do it.

Kind regards,

Joachim Smith

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:58 am
by stubbsonic
I'm with you on this. I can't use the consolidated window. There's no upside with the way I work.

If DP9 can't disable it, that'll be a deal breaker for me.

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:07 am
by Phil O
Under Preferences>Display>Consolidated Window there is a list. Make sure nothing in the list is checked. Even if you do this, some older files or old templates will open with consolidated windows on. I had to "pop out" and re-save some of my templates to get around this.


Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:11 am
by David Polich
Phil O just beat me to the answer.

Also - disable the checkboxes next to these -
"Open old projects using Consolidated Window".
"Open old window sets using Consolidated Window."
"Close document when Consolidated Window closes".

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:55 am
by stubbsonic
Oh right. I knew that. Glad to see DP9 didn't do away with any of that.

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:29 pm
by bayswater
David Polich wrote:Phil O just beat me to the answer.

Also - disable the checkboxes next to these -
"Open old projects using Consolidated Window".
"Open old window sets using Consolidated Window."
"Close document when Consolidated Window closes".
And set a few screen sets and templates and you'll never see another CW.

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:52 am
by Guitar Gaz
Just started using Consolidated Windows again now they have finally fixed Full Screen mode - fine apart from occasional odd behaviour with the window sets sometimes not showing the Mixer and other windows I popped out of the CW to show on my second display. Weird although it does come back eventually - but not consistent.

Is there some fundamental reason that Motu can't have DP operating in Full Screen mode without being in Consolidated Windows? Really that's the only reason I am using CW as I like the Full Screen mode.....

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:13 am
by MikeInBoston
It's funny how different we all are. If DP didn't have a consolidated window, I wouldn't be using it now. I would have hated all those messy little windows cluttering up my monitor from the earlier versions of DP. It's one of the main reasons why I never tried it back then. Anyway, I love it now. It's like a beautiful and elegant sports car. VVVRRROOOOOOMMM!!!!!

Sorry for your frustration. There should still be a way to decouple the windows, if that's what you want to do.


Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:45 am
by bayswater
Guitar Gaz wrote:Just started using Consolidated Windows again now they have finally fixed Full Screen mode - fine apart from occasional odd behaviour with the window sets sometimes not showing the Mixer and other windows I popped out of the CW to show on my second display. Weird although it does come back eventually - but not consistent.

Is there some fundamental reason that Motu can't have DP operating in Full Screen mode without being in Consolidated Windows? Really that's the only reason I am using CW as I like the Full Screen mode.....
What would that look like? You always have at least two windows because of the control panel, so don't they have to be put together in a CW to go full screen?

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:34 am
by MIDI Life Crisis
Just to try and derail things... I hated CW windows, mainly because the tabs were set for windows I didn't use.

When the OS went full screen I tried again and now I hate NOT using CW. It's easy to pop a window in or out with ctl-1 and windows are in a reliable location. In scoring to picture, I can still get the movie in full screen on an aux monitor and have all my MIDI, audio, bridge, etc. on the main screen.

I haven't checked yet, but we used to be able to span the CW across two monitors. That was also kind of cool, especially for editing.

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:29 am
by spitfire31
Thanks for the feedback, guys! What with unselecting all the options in the Consolidated Editing prefs and also unchecking “Dock in Consolidated Window” in the Control Panel drop down contextual menu, I think I can work around DP9's built-in insistence on Consolidated Editing. ;-)

Kind regards,


Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:09 am
by Guitar Gaz
MIDI Life Crisis wrote:Just to try and derail things... I hated CW windows, mainly because the tabs were set for windows I didn't use.

When the OS went full screen I tried again and now I hate NOT using CW. It's easy to pop a window in or out with ctl-1 and windows are in a reliable location. In scoring to picture, I can still get the movie in full screen on an aux monitor and have all my MIDI, audio, bridge, etc. on the main screen.

I haven't checked yet, but we used to be able to span the CW across two monitors. That was also kind of cool, especially for editing.
The CW doesn't span across 2 windows at the moment which is a shame, although you can pop out windows to a second monitor - e.g. I had a Mixer window and the Chunks and Markers windows on a second monitor - but the Window Sets saved did not seem to act consistently and sometimes the popped out windows would not re-appear on the second monitor. Still experimenting although I do prefer Full Screen mode - maybe I am missing something in terms of the setup. It was you that got me looking again at the CW with Full Screen mode and its the setup I feel most comfortable with - just need to sort out the switching to different edit windows with the Window Sets - maybe popping windows out as and when could also work.

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:41 am
by MIDI Life Crisis
After switching to full screen I had to reset windows a bit. For example, if the mixer was on the 2nd monitor and I switched DP to full screen mode, the mixer disappeared. If I called it up with a key command, I could move it back to the 2nd monitor and save a new key command (or replaced an existing one). Then I could call that up even after rebooting the Mac. It kind of makes sense that DP has to tell the OS about being in full screen as opposed to "normal" screen mode, at least that's my understanding based on the behavior I'm observing.

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:08 pm
by Guitar Gaz
Strange Full Screen mode behaviour in CW seems to have a solution - when I sometimes lose the popped out windows in my Window Set when I return to Full Screen, I discovered if I click Right Command and effectively use Mission Control, if I then select the Space that has DP in it, hey presto the popped out windows have returned and all work in Full Screen mode. Not exactly Shooshie's Spaces but effective - so maybe this is all workable after all. Probably bears a bit more experimentation - maybe some of the window strangeness can be solved by re-selecting in Mission Control?

Re: How to diasable Consolidated Editing in DP9 (demo)?

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:18 am
by musicman691
David Polich wrote:Phil O just beat me to the answer.

Also - disable the checkboxes next to these -
"Open old projects using Consolidated Window".
"Open old window sets using Consolidated Window."
"Close document when Consolidated Window closes".
I've been working without the CW for a couple of weeks now and love it. Minor irritant though - even with the first two items unchecked above - sessions that were done with the CW still open in CW mode. I have to close that CW and click on the window set I made for when I don't use the CW. Then I'm where I want to be.