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MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:13 pm
by wonder
I'm recording a pianist right now via MIDI (usb).

I'm editing the MIDI track and when I deleted a note I noticed that there was the same note underneath it.

I looked and EVERY note and MIDI message is being recorded twice.

Anyone seen this before?

He's using a Yamaha CP and I'm going straight in via USB to a MIDI track in DP8

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:18 pm
by Kurt Cowling
Is the keyboard sending on two MIDI channels simultaneously? Possibly set to a layered patch or something? They would both end up in the same track in DP, since it rechannelizes MIDI data.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:49 am
by Shooshie
There is a MIDI plugin called Remove Duplicates. In the Mixing Board, in the Inserts section over each MIDI track's fader, click in an insert and add the plugin. That doesn't solve the problem, but it fixes the results of the problem.

Meanwhile, trace connections, Instrument groups, Clockworks, and anything else that could affect the MIDI signal. The keyboard itself may be the culprit. IT's been years since I saw that problem. Could it be a LOCAL-OFF/ON issue? Trying to think of why a keyboard would send two events for every one played, but I can't really imagine it. That's something which has to be traced, and there are many possible sources.


Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:13 am
by Sean Kenny
The last time this happened to me it because was the local On/off, was sent to On

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:21 am
by Sean Kenny
Unlike five pin din MIDI, USB is a too two-way connection i.e. it automatically can create a loop if you don't have the MIDI channel playback in DP muted, or Local On/Off set to Off

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:56 am
by wonder
All this is such good info I was unaware of. Thank you guys.

I'll check all this stuff today.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:45 am
by Sean Kenny
wonder wrote:All this is such good info I was unaware of. Thank you guys.

I'll check all this stuff today.
This forum has saved my arse enough times..... glad to help

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:36 am
by stubbsonic
As I recall (but can't check right now) there is also a "destructive" version of remove duplicates in the region menu.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:22 am
by wonder
I didn't have time to dig into his Yamaha keyboard as we started right away.

But the remove duplicates MIDI plugin was killer. I've never known that was there and I've been using DP for ages.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:53 am
by Kurt Cowling
wonder wrote:I didn't have time to dig into his Yamaha keyboard as we started right away.
Is he using a layered patch (i.e., piano/strings)? That would cause some keyboards to send on two MIDI channels simultaneously.

In my experience local on/off issues cause you to hear duplicate notes as you play, but only one is recorded.


Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:14 am
by dosuna11
This happened to me as I had a MIDI cable and USB cable both plugged in. Even if only one was selected as an input it would still produce 2 notes. Solution worked.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:30 pm
by Dwetmaster
Using multi-record MIDI mode can also help overcoming MIDI feedback issues.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:33 pm
by Prime Mover
Shooshie wrote:There is a MIDI plugin called Remove Duplicates. In the Mixing Board, in the Inserts section over each MIDI track's fader, click in an insert and add the plugin. That doesn't solve the problem, but it fixes the results of the problem.
I would also recommend using the "deflam" plugin as well. Often times the MIDI messages (if they're from different interfaces) don't come in at precisely the same time, and the "remove duplicates" plugin won't recognize it. I had the same problem and the deflam plugin cured it. I accidentally left my IAC bus routing on from another program while recording a particularly good part. It's impossible to "select+delete" duplicates without doing them individually, but using these plugins cleaned up the playback.

Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:38 pm
by Shooshie
stubbsonic wrote:As I recall (but can't check right now) there is also a "destructive" version of remove duplicates in the region menu.
That's what I was thinking, too, but I searched for it and didn't find it when I left the post about the plugin. If you find it, I'd appreciate knowing about where to look for it, as I'm sure my eyes are just jumping over it for some reason. I KNOW it used to be there. But I went through every menu a few times and just didn't see it. Maybe I should have looked it up in the manual.


Re: MIDI Piano recording double of every message...?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:43 pm
by Dwetmaster
Shooshie wrote:...If you find it, I'd appreciate knowing about where to look for it, as I'm sure my eyes are just jumping over it for some reason. I KNOW it used to be there. But I went through every menu a few times and just didn't see it. Maybe I should have looked it up in the manual.

Region/Apply MIDI Plugin/Remove Duplicates