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Stop listening to crap!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:16 pm
by MixermanMikey
Okay, I didn't really know how to get anyone's attention for such a seemingly mundane topic. Please don't throw rocks if you hate me for it. I don't hate you because you have a TRS-80 in your closet.

Many, many years ago, I bought a Soundcraft Ghost console. The first one sounded amazing, but it had a few issues with some buttons. The next few sounded like....crap, but the buttons worked. What was the difference? The power supply. The first one was linear and the others were switchers.

Let's get right down to the bottom of the stack of bricks. We listen to the power supply. That's right. All audio does is modulate the power supply. It's pretty simply, elegant and scary.

I've taken a few switched mode power supplies and put good linear supplies in their place. AMAZING difference. What I'm interested in is if anyone else has tried the same thing. It seems to make more of a difference in some places in the signal chain than others.

Anyone tried it? Please share your experience. I'd be very interested in the application and the type of supply you used. Directly, I replaced the firewire based supply on my original Traveler with an external linear supply. Made a substantial difference in how the unit recorded, but not so much in how it fed my Lucid DA 9624 through the spdif port.

In my opinion, it's the least expensive way to make a huge upgrade to your audio chain.


Re: Stop listening to crap!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:17 am
by bayswater
No TRS-80 in my closet, but there is an Atari Falcon.

As you say, it's many many years ago that I worried a lot about power supplies. For whatever reason, I stopped thinking about it (and stopped doing my own car repairs). I have the impression that now, they either work or they don't.

Re: Stop listening to crap!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:33 pm
by mikehalloran
Do you have links to some of these power supply... uh... suppliers? And models that would work with MOTU devices?

Re: Stop listening to crap!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:51 pm
by burn em
You speak the truth thar regarding power supplies. Too a major degree. You can get good switch mode power supplies though.

A good power supply can make a huge difference to gear

Generally I have noticed that gear with a toroidial as opposed to a rectangular transformer in the power supply sounds better… generally…

Anything with an un earthed power supply… Fuggedit!

Re: Stop listening to crap!!!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:02 am
by MixermanMikey
Sorry, been away dealing with...issues. If one more person touches one of my system tunings....**deep breath**

There certainly are some good switched mode supplies out there. I totally agree with burn em. The Ghost was an ear opener. I still find poorly designed and/or poorly spec'd supplies. Switchers are cheaper, usually, for the same power output. But there are usually opportunities to get better supplies for what we do at pretty inexpensive rates.

As for sources, there are too many to choose from. Just do an online search for linear power supplies and you'll find plenty. Found one for my old MOTU Traveler for $15. I think it's a pretty good investment given the difference it makes.

Rock on!