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BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:30 pm
by seiat
Hi Motunation
I have a serious problem with my Pci 424 and 2048 mkIII.
Can you help me?
I tried to install this card on my PC ( Gygabite GA870 UD3 Amd phenom II 4X Gygabite ATI radeon HD 670 )
But I have always a problem.
I installed the more recent driver, after i installed the pci 424 card and after reboot 3 problem possible:
-BSOD motuaw.sys error etc
-internal audio driver error (15) or (18)
-the pci 424 card seems to works but don't see the 2048 mkIII.

So i try the torrentg's solution but without good result. I try to reinstall my windows and i have the same problem.

thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english i'm french

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:22 am
by torrentg
Let's have a look at the crash dump(s).


Copy/paste the files in there to any other folder. If more than one, zip or rar them, then upload to a host. Paste a link here and I'll see if there's anything needing attention.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:38 am
by seiat
I tryed to install two version of the driver after my last window's installation the and the

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:28 am
by torrentg
Ok, straight off I can tell you that there was a failure with MOTU's audiowire driver and in the other crash, it was within a Windows module.

The Windows one is the important one, because by that, we are fully guaranteed that there is something wrong inherent to your specific system.

Code: Select all

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  X64_0xF4_C0000005_IMAGE_csrss.exe
Necessary steps:

1) First and foremost, if there is any overclocking of any components whether that be the cpu, ram, gpu and or anything else, please revert to factory settings at this time. Once everything is sorted, then you can go ahead and test again at overclocked speeds. Basically, we need to rule this out for sure by eliminating it as a possibility.

2) Install the latest firmware for the motherboard, from the manufacturer's website.

3) This very well may be the cause for concern:

Code: Select all

 Image path: \??\C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Fuel\amd64\AODDriver2.sys
    Image name: AODDriver2.sys
    Timestamp:        Wed Nov 21 02:44:04 2012 (50AC8644)
    CheckSum:         0000F4B5
    ImageSize:        00032000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
I would go ahead and uninstall Fuel or whatever owns this driver on your system. It may even be involved in clocking, so best to rid it to be sure.

(This is especially necessary if you know you used CCC to overclock the video card.)


Everything else looks ok. I would perhaps disable IEEE 1394 driver in the Device Manager if you don't otherwise use it, but that's neither here nor there.

Something above shown should fix this up.

If for some reason you still experience issues, then by all means, please post a new crash dump showing it. Process of elimination, my friend. :)

If you have a cd, dvd or bluray in the drive, take it out.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:43 am
by seiat
I don't know I had overclocking, I disable it.
I delete the file AODDriver2.sys
I tryed 3 time to install the pci card but i had 3 BSOD but not at the same time as before the changes. After installation and reboot I can see "your device is in installation time" and 20 sec after : BSOD (motuaw.sys)

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:16 am
by torrentg
Everything seems ok, besides the actual fact of it crashing.

Some ideas to go on from here.

1) You can download, install and run CPU-Z. Make a screenshot of the Memory tab, then also a screenshot of the SPD tab for each stick of RAM you have. (Change the slot# pulldown menu on that tab to get to other sticks.) Upload the screenshots to a host like Photobucket or similar, or zip/rar them...paste a link here...we will see if everything is good about the RAM settings this way.

2) If that's all good, you should try clearing the system of all MOTU items.

Copy/paste from another post I made:

"clear out every bit of MOTU info from the pc.

This includes uninstalling normally, going through Regedit for both System and Current User to delete all MOTU mentions (use F3 if needed to keep finding MOTU), deleting anything MOTU from C:\Windows\Installer (you can sort by Author column alphabetically if you add that column), deleting anything MOTU from Program Files and/or Program Files (x64), deleting anything MOTU in your personal user folder and All Users folder, and finally using Ccleaner to clean both the machine and then the registry itself.

Be careful and try to use common sense when deleting things from the registry."

Then perhaps, with the card inserted, try to boot to safe mode to install the latest MOTU driver. If it won't install there, then install in regular mode.

You can also double-check any bios settings to make sure that the slot the MOTU card is in is set correctly. Not sure about your board though, or even any settings it may have.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:27 am
by torrentg
And if it turns out that that the RAM is already set well, and clean installing doesn't help as shown in my last post, then the only thing left is to contact MOTU to ask them to look at this thread and give the crash dumps to their software engineers, so they can look into whether the driver needs a revision or not.

I doubt it really is an issue though with the driver, since there is not a large body of people complaining at all.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:34 am
by torrentg
Just had another idea: If you have changed the Page file to be any size other than how Windows handles it - then change it back to Windows' default setting of managing it on its own.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:09 pm
by seiat the print screen of cpu-z
I have already read this post so I clear my windows all the time before driver's installation.
I will try to install the driver in safe mode tomorrow.
Thanks for your help.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:26 pm
by torrentg
Alright, I think we're on to something.

Your RAM voltage is probably set at 1.5v.

It is definitely currently set at 1T, but it needs 1.6v to work well at that.

So, what I would do, is go into the bios settings and set the command rate = 2T, then save.

Go to Windows and try to install MOTU software.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:48 am
by seiat
I tryed to change the CR of my memory its now 2T but i have the same BSOD.
and when i tried to launch the driver's installation in safe mode i have an error " The process terminated unexpectedly" i don't know why.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:47 pm
by torrentg
eh, that's a shame really. I was hoping that might have done the trick.

It really leaves a few possibilities only:

1) There's a fault in the driver in relation to your specific hardware.

2) The hardware itself is faulty.

3) Maybe the cable you're using is faulty for some reason. Have you tried installing the driver without any cable connected at all?

Or turn off the machine. Take the card out. Boot to Windows. Turn off machine then put card back in and reboot to Windows again.

Also double check that the motherboard slot is compatible with the actual card itself. i.e. same type


What I would do to test, if you have another computer to try the card in, that would be good. See how it reacts there.

If you do that and the card fails again, I would go ahead and then contact MOTU to either look into the driver or see what could be wrong with the hardware itself.

Another idea is to insert an old hard drive you might have around into your computer and detaching the original one. Install Windows 8 or Vista 32 bit on it and see how that goes as a test.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:34 pm
by torrentg
Yet another idea: I've seen access violation bsods.

If you are using a non-administrator account, try to install and use the MOTU from an account with admin privileges.

Your permissions could STILL be messed up even with the new Windows install you did if you didn't previously use Killdisk or similar to first zero out the drive before installing.

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:10 am
by seiat
This card wasn't new. I bought this to a particular. so I think the problem don't came to the card.
I tryed to install the pci card without cable and when I reboot after the card's installation windows said your device is ready for use so i can launch the PCI audio driver and see the driver without error.
But when i tryed to connect my 2408 mkIII, windows can't start he block to the startup screen. and if i reboot I have two choice:
- start normaly
- start the window's repair tools

If istart normaly windows can't start. If I "repair windows" he start a recovery. After this recovery my computer said

"the system has experienced boot failures because of overclocking

last setting in Bios setup may not coincide with current H/W states

Current CPU speed: 17.0* 200 MHz
Current Memory speed: 1333 MHz
Current HT speed: 2000 MHz "

But I can boot normaly.And as might be expected the driver has

My cable isn't a motu firewire cable it's this: ... pol_2m.htm

If you need it its the crash dump file of today

Re: BSOD or internal error for pci 424

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:54 pm
by torrentg
After the PC booted well with card in and driver installed but WITHOUT 2408 connected, did you turn off the machine to then connect it, or not?

If you did, you can try to hot plug the firewire cable in while the machine is on and booted to Windows, instead. Just make sure you plug both ends of the cable in correctly. If you make a mistake, it will fry the audiowire chip in the 2408.

If that doesn't help, you should probably test your memory with Memtest86+, overnight, for best results. (Like 6-8 hours.)

You could also try a different cable, if you have access to one temporarily from a friend or family etc...