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Bussing MachFive v3 to DP8

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:20 pm
by Philip South
I'm trying to bus individual MachFive sounds to individual audio tracks. I have MachFive 3 as an instrument insert not stand alone. In MachFive 2 I could assign the output to Sound 1 (A1) to bus 1-2 the A2 to bus 3-4 etc. Since upgrading to MachFive V3 it now reads in the out put list on the MachFive as Main Out, Out 2, Out 3, Out 4 etc. Where as there's no input on DP8 for this...! It was so easy to just bounce down individual sounds to their own tracks before but I'm finind I have to mute everything except the track I want to record and bounce it down then place it on the tracks window!

Any help with how I can set up the bus on MachFive V3 so to record to DP8 will be greatly welcome!



Re: Bussing MachFive v3 to DP8

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:28 pm
by Bowman

I'm on DP7. It may be different in DP8.

Assign a MachFive part to Out2. In DP Tracks view, for the audio track you want to record on, select INPUT, New Stereo Bundle, MachFive3-1 3-4. You should hear whatever part is sent to Out2. Out3 goes to 5-6, Out4 to 7-8, etc.


Re: Bussing MachFive v3 to DP8

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:18 pm
by dpg4macman