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DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:17 pm
by chaosngn
I fired up the demo on Windows 7, excited to see what's under the hood, and when it loads I get:

The DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running. MIDI may not play back.

It also does not recognize my 61 ES MIDI keyboard bug half the time, while other DAWs do, and I'm guessing it's because of this error.

What's strange is that when I press record the swiper is frozen and will not move (I am guessing due to this error). MOTU said something about HPET, but I've tried with HPET on and off.

Anyone know what might be causing the DirectMusic MIDI service to not be working on Windows 7 64-bit?

I've googled my ass off and can find nothing on how to turn this DirectMusic MIDI clock on, install, etc.

Anyone have an idea?

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:00 pm
by Radiogal
There seems to be a problem with ASIO drivers in this release. Don't feel turned down nor disappointed. Eventually it will work as MOTU for sure is gonna fix this.

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:02 pm
by Radiogal
Yet, don't forget to report issues and bugs to MOTU ASAP.

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:03 pm
by chaosngn
After a lot of back and forth with MOTU they think it's something to do with HPET, but HPET is on and running.

It's really scaring me now, because I re-installed Windows Ultimate (not the premium from before) and only installed DP, drivers, and the keyboard. I didn't even install VE Pro 5, and same error, still won't record. This is a big bummer.

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 12:10 pm
by streamson
I had the same problem (cause of MIDI keyboard M-Audio Keyrig49). I just uninstalled M-Audio keyboard software and left the MIDI keyboard running on windows driver only. Now everything works fine.

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:39 pm
by DKubi
I have the same problem with Windows 8 - 64 bit. My MIDI interface is a M-Audio Fast Track Pro, so without the M-Audio driver I can not use it. Was anyone able to fix this problem without uninstalling the interface driver?

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:56 am
by digital dog
I have the same problem with the M-Audio interface/drivers. I have to have the drivers for my M-audio interface (BTW everything seems to work fine with ProTools). I also have the problem with the wiper freezing. This version has been in beta for a year and was released a few months ago. I need to use it now. I've been troubleshooting for days. I've re-read the manual, plugged and unplugged until my fingers hurt. HAS ANYONE SOLVED THIS DIRECTMUSIC MIDI CLOCK THING!

Re: DirectMusic MIDI clock does not appear to be running

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:11 am
by digital dog
That is it! I had an old M-Audio driver. I unplugged the M-Audio keyboard and it started up, no problems. I plugged the keyboard back in with a MIDI chord and everything is copacetic. As per your advice I will try uninstalling the old M-Audio driver. I have the usb for the key board unplugged now. I must have an M-Audio driver for my M-Audio interface. I hope the drivers are two separate drivers. If not I'll continue unplugging the keyboard until I get the driver thing sorted out. Thanks to everyone for your help.