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Killer high ASIO load in Cubase 6! Please read

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:30 am
by DeepDrums

I bought a BPM 1.5 recently with intention to use it as my beat work station. However, using it in my new and audio optimized i7 3.07GHz PC with 6GB RAM under decent low ASIO settings gives problems.

Simply, BPM gives very high ASIO load and click & pops in Cubase 6. This issue is only happening with BPM.

I can understand that it should give higher load if I had many pads and samples, but this is happening on very 'tinny' beats also. Sure, I can relax the ASIO buffer settings, but I'm unwilling to use 23ms ASIO latency setting with high end PC :shake:

I'm sorry that I need to try getting help in this way, but as MOTU support didn't respond for weeks on my question, I hope that I will get some help here.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Killer high ASIO load in Cubase 6! Please read

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 10:58 am
by DeepDrums