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Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:29 pm
by Elektroakoustika
Hey guys,

So I was sitting down with the score to Barber's Adagio just kind of reveling in the beauty and simplicity of Barber's wonderful writing, when I decided to just sequence a couple parts for fun. Well, what ended up was I sat down totally entranced by the music and sequenced the entire piece with LA Scoring Strings and the wonderful divisi sections that the library has to offer. It also showcases the wonderful MIDI editing abilities of DP. I don't know how I would have been able to tweak the sound so well without it!

So for your enjoyment or just pure curiousity, I give you probably the finest mock-up I've ever done



Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:17 pm
by MIDI Life Crisis
I totally understand. I did this years ago (about 1980) for a Martha Graham dancer on a Roland Juno 106. One of the most educational experiences of my life. Then after years of playing Bach, I realized it's right out of the WTC! Had I not had 3 or 4 black russians this evening, I could tell you which fugue. It'll have to wait until morning... LOL!

Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:43 am
by mikehalloran
Very nice. That is about as close as one is going to get to the real deal without recording a string orchestra.

It looks like I am going to investigate LA Scoring Strings for my next film project. Beautiful work!

They should post this as a demo.

Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:22 pm
by Elektroakoustika
Updated the link

I did another mix. This one is 150% better than the previous one. A little more EQing, A LOT more expression, a lot more dynamics, and tons of other stuff.



Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:13 am
by jroadrage
This piece is an awfully hard exercise in restraint (live or sampled). I've always thought the more dense and bombastic the more convincing with samples, it's exposed pieces like this that tend to reveal the limitations in ANY sample library, especially strings. This is as good a mockup of this piece as I've heard, very well done.

Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:55 am
by Macrozonaris
Very nice mockup. LASS is on my shopping list.

Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:07 am
by Shooshie
MIDI Life Crisis wrote:I totally understand. I did this years ago (about 1980) for a Martha Graham dancer on a Roland Juno 106. One of the most educational experiences of my life. Then after years of playing Bach, I realized it's right out of the WTC! Had I not had 3 or 4 black russians this evening, I could tell you which fugue. It'll have to wait until morning... LOL!

I know all 48 preludes and fugues, and you've got ME stumped! What the heck? I mean, I'm not intimate with each of them, but I'm on speaking terms with them, and I've been drunk and woke up naked with more than a few of them… :lol: But then on some level, just about everything is out of either the WTC or the cantatas or chorale preludes or… well, you know the drill, and I agree with you.

To Elektroakoustika, that was a heroic effort on the Barber! I thought the climax and resolution came off particularly well.


Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:02 am
by audios
Incredible work Electro.

This is one of my favorite pieces of music ever written and when it was used in the Viet Nam war film, Platoon I believe, the imagery with this music as score blew me away. Of course, being a V.N. Vet myself, it has a special meaning to all the guys I knew there and most who never came home alive.

Thanks for doing this.

This is the definitive string library in my opinion. (Just wish it was a little cheaper)

Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:10 am
by midiw
DP ?

Digital ?

No way !

This composition always brings me to tears there are to many images that flood my mind when the cello/deep violas hit crescendo. Wish I had your talent for digital orchestration from a bunch of dots on five lines and 4 spaces.

BRAVO -ea, encore please.

( sure wish the BOX had a "cycle" button because I would love to leave this loop while browsing or just taking a serenity break which is what i am going to do now, Thanks again for your orchestration/remixining talents )

Darn: can't download because you don't seem to have enough bandwidth for broadcasting.

Re: Barber's Adagio with LA Scoring Strings

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:09 am
by kinnylandrum
Absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful job.