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Yamaha DM2000 as a Control surface for DP4.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:51 am
by reichstuff
I have been trying to get my DM2000 to act as a control surface for DP and have failed. Both manufacturers blame each others gear. Has anyone sucessfully used the Yamaha DM2000 as a control surface for DP?

Re: Yamaha DM2000 as a Control surface for DP4.5

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:46 am
by bassie12
Nope. I'm still waiting as well. It's a drag to have facilities, and no way to implement them. It would be great to be able to arm tracks, punch, & locate from the DM2000. The last thing I need in my control room is another piece of gear(HUI or some other controller).

no luck here

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:18 pm
by kpsnyder85
yeah, i have an o1v that i've had no luck getting it to interface with dp, and the 2 dm2000's we have at work refuse to do the same. if only people would stop pointing fingers.

-kyle snyder

01v setup

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:36 pm
by JamesH_2102
I got my 01V to have some limited operation with these instructions. I think with some more MIDI wisdom, of which I have none, you might be able to get much more going.

One important tip from yamaha phone support, usb port 1 is automatically grabbed if you select protools as the target, so you have to use different ports if you use general daw - great documentation from yamaha. This conflicts a bit with what follows, (set the ports to what works for you) but I think you can adjust to it.

I haven't been able to control anything more than faders, but you can at least use the plug-ins/effects available in the 01V by looping the audio out through ADAT and back into new tracks in DP. At least that's the plan••¦

Good luck,


From MOTU:

With the 01V connected to the 828mkII via MIDI (or USB), follow these steps:
- In Audio MIDI Setup, create a new external device; double-click it to open its Device Properties page
- For Model / Manufacturer, choose Mackie / HUI; for Name, type "01V"
- Apply the changes and close the Device Properties window
- Then in DP, go to Setup > Control Surface Setup and choose:
= driver: HUI
= MIDI: 01V > 01V-1

This came from the 01V forum on yahoo:

"pokeefe777" <pokeefe777@...>
Date: Sat Dec 6, 2003 7:57 pm
Subject: How to: 01V96 MIDI CC / Studiomanager / HUI setup Instructins pokeefe777
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As promised - sorry for the delay.

There's three things you can control with the O1V96.

1. Your DAW (as a fader controller for the software faders. I
primarily use Pro Tools, so I use the default PT setup / HUI emulation

2. The console's setup and settings via the bundled Studio Manager

3. The actual automation of the console, via MIDI Contin. Controller
(MIDI CC) or System Exclusive ("Sysex") messages.

I'm going to concentrate on # 3 in this post.

MIDI sysex messages can NOT be edited within most DAW's, and so MIDI
CC is the better choice for recording automation data to control
things like audio (channels 1 - 40) fader moves, mutes, etc.

There's two main screens you need to worry about to set this up.
Let's hit them one at a time.

First, press the DIO Setup button and then select the MIDI Host page
(you may need to scroll / left or right to get to that page).

On this page, I have the following parameters selected:

General = USB 4 for TX and RX. Make sure your DAW software's MIDI
channels you're recording to and playing back are set to the same USB
MIDI ports. This is what the 01V96 uses for its transmission and
reception of MIDI sysex AND MIDI CC data.

Studio Manager = USB 3, Device 1. Make sure you have Studio Manager
set to transmit and receive on USB MIDI port 3, and use channel 1.
This is (obviously) the setup for the Studio Manager control of the

DAW = USB 1-2. This is the setup area for the DAW control layer of
the 01V96. Make sure you set your DAW's controls to receive it's
controller data from these ports (there's two banks of 8 HUI faders
in the 01V96, thus the two USB ports). The setup for perephrials
(such as a HUI controller) in Pro Tools is located in the SETUPS ->
Perephrials menu in PT.


The second page on the 01V96 we need to set up is this:

Press the MIDI button, then scroll over to the Setup tab.

On this page, you really HAVE to set it up in this manner with some
of the controls otherwise you end up with ONLY Sysex control instead
of the (preferred) MIDI CC controls.

Channel = TX and RX are both set to 1

Program Change = ON, Omni and Echo = OFF

Control Change = ON for both TX and RX

Parameter Change = OFF for ALL THREE OPTIONS. This is the biggie.
Failing to set this one right will leave you with the 01V96
transmitting sysex messages for parameter changes instead of MIDI CC

Bulk = ON

Other Commands = OFF

Fader Resolution = HIGH.

That should do it. As long as you have Studio Manager and your DAW
set to the correct MIDI ports and channels, you should be able to

1. Control the 01V96 with Studio Manager.

2. Record MIDI CC data (fader moves, mutes, etc) to a DAW track, and
then play them back and have the DAW "replay" your mutes, fader
moves, etc. If you want to edit those things, set your DAW's MIDI
channel to display MIDI controller # 6, which is what the 01V96
appears to send its data out as.

3. You should also be able to control your DAW's faders with the
01V96 DAW controller layer. You may need to adjust some of the other
01V96 settings if your DAW doesn't suppor the HUI protocol. See the
manual for your DAW software and 01V96 for more info if that's your

Well - that's how I have it all set, and I can do all three things
with the 01V96 - Bi-directional control of the 01V96 and Studio
Manager, control my software faders with the DAW control layer on the
01V96 AND send out MIDI CC data from the 01V96, record it to a MID
track and have it control the 01V96's audio faders, mutes etc. for

I hiope this helps some of you. Best wishes,

Phil O'Keefe
Sound Sanctuary Recording
Riverside CA

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:32 pm
by pounce
i would love to see motu address this. i may be getting a dm2000 in the near future and would really want to have it act as a control surface for DP, the main software i use.

i rather get the dm2000 and ditch DP than vice versa. speaking of which, do dm2000 owners have Logic Pro? has does that work for you? if it works well i may switch over to it as my go to program. any comments on this are very welcome just in case the control surface situation has improved.

O2R96 as Transport Control?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:01 pm
by Jerome Gilmer
As long as we're talking about Yamaha mixers, has anyone found a way for the MIDI machine control transport buttons on the mixer to control DP's transport functions?

Thanks for any tips.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:59 am
by pounce
posting here to keep this in mind to see if there are any improvements in this area in dp5.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:37 am
by bassie12
I spent 2 years trying & waiting for Yamaha or Motu to get the transport functions on a DM-2000(a wonderful piece of gear) to work on DP. Seems like neither Motu or Yamaha give a Rat's *ss about getting these two pieces to communicate.

In the end, it seems the easiest fix will be to put a Tranzport on the DM-2000's transport section. 200 bucks and you're working.

I don't do much work in that room anymore, so don't care much either way.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:59 am
by waxman
sell it and get a Projectmix i-o

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:34 pm
by pounce
i did just get a tranzport. certainly a cool device. very nice.

i don't know what the deal is with motu and yamaha on implementing the control surface features of the dm2000 the way it works for all my other daw's. it's a pisser that it doesn't work right in dp.

if you are wondering if tech support will give you a stock unhelpful reply when you ask about it, the answer is yes. thanks a fuckin lot motu. so i sent along the suggestion to support that to motu, but let's say i ain't gonna hold my breath. what a bummer.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:37 am
by reichstuff
I have since moved over to Logic Pro 7.2 and have complete control of that software from the DM2000. Logic has it's own problems in other areas though!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:39 pm
by pounce
well, on one hand my DP5 is going to arrive tomorrow. so that's great.

otoh, i have logic pro 7.2 as well and i'm going to see if i can switch over totally for reasons like this.