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Here's mine

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:31 pm
by bug67
I've got lots more stuff on my hard drive that I've done with DP but, here are the ones that are finnished:


Amanda Rose

Cowboy's Song

I would love some feedback :D

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:52 am
by Jim
Before I reply, let me mention that I hesitate to be too critical of other's work, as some people are very sensitive. Personally, I prefer negative critique, as it points to what's weak in my productions. I appreciate thoughtful gestures, but I'd rather get honest feedback I can use than well-intentioned white lies. With that in mind, feel free to review my mixes, and blast away in kind.

The production sounds mostly good on all three. The vocals are a bit distant on Procrastination, and the vocal tuning sounds uneven and dare I say, unprofessional. The music sounds like a demo for a standard bar band: The songs and lyrics are a bit generic. The songs are competently played, and nothing to be embarrassed about, but there's nothing outstanding or memorable about them either. No hooks.

You have a handle on the recording and mixing process. I'd give you B+ for production, C- for composition, and A+ for the courage to put your work up for public critique.