MSI vs Siedlaczek Complete vs Kirk Hunter SO Emerald

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MSI vs Siedlaczek Complete vs Kirk Hunter SO Emerald

Post by amorph »

Hi, I'm now decieding which orchestral collection in price about $300 to buy for my Computer games compositions. After searching the web for a while, I have theese three favorites.

MSI, Siedlaczek Complete Classical Collection and Kirk Hunter Sympohonic orchestra Emerald.

I like mostly to use huge string ensembles both dynamic and slow, slow dark string pads and atmospheres, dynamic brasses, choirs and percussions. I use no solo instruments at all, except some rare instruments.

In this view I'm considering MSI a lot, but I'm affraid of some compatibility and CPU problems mentioned on web. Siedlaczek seems to be very complex and great collection, but its samples are really well known by everyone and i want to be maybe more original:) And Kirk Hunter, well, I don't know if I really want that "hollywood" (maybe rather TV) sound.

Would you suggest one?
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Which one

Post by davidrutt »

Tough questions as Peter's programs are so dramatically different than MOTU. I own both, and can't speak to the 3rd option.

If you look VERY carefully at the Complete Symphonic works from Best Service, you'll notice that there is much in common between MOTU and Siedleczek. Both have many useful ensemble and solo patches.

But here, are, what I believe to be the four most important differences between the two:

1. Siedleczek's instruments come ALREADY SET UP as multi's. In MOTU you must custom build your multi's from scratch. Neither is better, it just depends on whether or not you have the time or not to set up key switching, modulation controls, etc.

2. If you don't have the time and want everything down for you, be aware the Seidleczek's system is MUCH slower when loading samples. The corrollary to this is that not only is MOTU considerably faster, it too allows you to custom set the patches in a way that is most efficient.

3. From a sonic standpoint, they definitely sound dramatically different. Neither is better...they just sound like they were recorded on different planets.

4. Lastly, Seidleczek's program include ADDITIONAL performance patches including orchestral passages, string runs, etc. Many of these are incredibly useful...but might not be for everyone.

Together, however, both are simply wonderful and if you can't afford both, I'd have to say flip a coin. I'm glad I started with Peter's, but am please to be able to augment the samples with MOTU.

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Post by amorph »

Thank you for your reply. After several weeks of deciesion changings i have finally bought Siedlaczek's Complete Classical Collection. And I'm quite satisfied. Well, it's surelly not perfect, but for its price it is definitelly worth.
For example some problems I encountered:
It's really cpu and memory consuming stuff (well, everything what I know and is using Kontakt engine is cpu consuming). Sometimes there are to few controllable parameters for some instruments (for example attack or release control would be useful on all patches, not only on some of them). And there are some more minor imperfections, but nothing critical.

Overall, I would say, that PSCCC is not so good library for serious pure orchestral compositions, but for game and atmospheric compositions there is really huge amount of really usefull stuff, not only basic orchestral set (which sound color I like), but also choir library, total piano and orchestral moods I found quite usefull.

Here is one example where i used Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra Symphonic strings from his Collection.

Maybe in future, I'll buy also SI to bring some new colours to my sound and composition:)
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Post by mhschmieder »

I was waiting to see more replies first, but since you've gone ahead and bought it, now I have to ask if it's different from the E-Mu expansion ROM from a few years back.

I bought that a few months ago and sold it right away, as I couldn't find anything useful on it compared to my Kurzweil PC2r or even Symphonic Instrument (which takes more work of course, compared to the PC2r).

Basically, I was disappointed by the sound/sample quality and timbre (subjective, of course) as well as the diversity of playing styles and instrument groupings available. For me, it did not live up to the hype, and was exceeded by the also-unsatisfying Advanced Orchestra expansion ROM from E-Mu's own sample library (also referred to as the "Orchestra II" ROM).
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