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Grouping V-Rack Instruments - aux sends?

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:31 pm
by Anthropy
I have several v-racks with a dozen or so instruments each and I'd like to assign their busses to the same aux channel.
I've tried to create a group inside a v-rack but can't seem to make it work. the "w" or the "t" tricks don't work either.
I want each instrument within a v-rack to have it's buss assigned to a single reverb aux.
I should have thought ahead, I know, shame on me. But I didn't. I think it ought to be simple.
DP-11 Ventura

Re: Grouping V-Rack Instruments - aux sends?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:29 am
by FMiguelez
It's easy to assign the outs for a bunch of channels with Option-A, but not so much for assigning buses.

You can drag-copy the bus assignments from one to the other directly on the mixer, albeit one by one. This copies everything, the assignment as well as the bus parameters like send volume, send pan, etc/

If you haven't named your tracks, it might be faster to just delete them and duplicate as many as needed from a pre-assigned channel.

AFter you're done, these tracks are candidates to join your template, or at least a clipping, so if you ever need something similar you don't have to do it all over again.