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Kontakt Standalone MIDI Playback Delay In DP 11

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:48 am
by Armageddon
I'm not even sure if this is a specific DP issue, but nothing about it makes any sense and I figured this would be a good place to start:

I recently did a scoring project in DP 11. For various reasons -- mainly because I've had recording and playback issues when doing it the traditional way -- I used the standalone Kontakt v6.7.0 app wired into DP via IAP (for MIDI) and Blackhole (for audio). Everything was going well, except that, for a few Kontakt instruments, I would record MIDI into a DP project with no problems, but then have the track play back with a horrendous delay of close to a half second. There is absolutely zero latency when playing the Kontakt standalone on a record-enabled track or during recording ... only when DP plays back the recorded MIDI. I had a few different instruments loaded in that one standalone instance of Kontakt and not all of them experienced this issue. It seems like only the more recent libraries do this: Symphobia 1, 2 and True Strike play back fine, but an instance of Pandora had the delay. Gravity has the delay. Lacrimosa Choir plays back fine. Jaeger has the delay. At first, I thought it was due to loading up many instruments in one standalone instance of Kontakt, but it does this even if I only load just one of the problematic recent libraries by itself. So far, my only solution has been to nudge the MIDI track earlier in DP (and by the same amount regardless of the problematic library playing the track: about 240 ticks), which syncs the track back up but is now a MIDI track that starts earlier than it's supposed to. I have multi-processor support shut off and my latency set to 512 samples (setting it any lower introduces dropouts), and this seems fine for the older libraries. I have a few VIs loaded inside DP, plus, an instance of Kontakt AU playing a small-footprint instrument, and everything else is behaving quite normally, so this anomaly is definitely confusing. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions on fixing this or ideas as to why this is happening!