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Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:43 am
by philbrown
I was really happy to move away from ebay and buy and sell on Reverb the last few years. I got near-instant Paypal payments when selling, and since I have a Paypal debit card, I could use the funds immediately just about anywhere. IIRC, they also offered "Reverb bucks" which I believe you could spend on Reverb itself. Now they will not pay out via Paypal. They will only transfer to your bank after a delay and they don't give you any other options (like spending the money on other gear at Reverb).

I just sold a guitar early Saturday morning and the buyer paid at the time of sale. I got an email at thet time saying "Your order has been paid for and is OK to ship!" Then Tuesday morning I got this email:
Your most recent payout for $1,806.97 USD has been approved and is queued for disbursement shortly.

Reverb sends all approved payouts at the end of the day, Monday - Friday.
If your payout was approved on a weekend it will be disbursed at the end of the following business day (usually on Mondays).

We'll send you another email once your payout has been disbursed, stay tuned.
It's Tuesday morning and I'm posting in real time, so I'm not sure what will happen next, but this already seems like some double-speak for "We're holding on to your money as long as we possibly can". Over and above Reverb's delays, I'm also not sure how long my bank will take before I actually have spendable money.

You can read what other people think about this move here:

I'm quite math-challenged so I haven't done the comparison math between Reverb and ebay fees which I need to do. Maybe Reverb is worth it, I don't know. I wrote to them and told them how unhappy I was at this change. I got the usual form letter response (pretty much the same copy-and-paste the people got on the Trustpilot site I linked above).

I hate the idea of going back to ebay. I had some really bad experiences there and no support for sellers whatsoever, but judging by people's experiences on Reverb, it doesn't look any better in that regard.

***Please don't consider this some all-encompassing review and I'm not a store that sells stuff every week. I'm just passing along what I can figure out from corporate double-speak.

Your thoughts?