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"This Wild Vitality"

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:27 pm
by dmerkel
Hi fellow DP users and colleagues,

This is my first time to post in this category. I've been producing in DP for the past 3 or 4 years, after having come in contact with Magic Dave. The biggest chunk of that has been cover songs for a client and myself, including a bucket-list completed task of a Xmas album. But now ...

I recently completed the soundtrack for a dramatic narration, music and sound design, and I thought I would share it with you. It has been an learning, growing and fulfilling process. With the exception of mastering, which I do in Ozone stand-alone, everything was recorded and mixed in DP. I utilized a variety of libraries, which you might recognize.

This is a dramatic, interpretive telling of the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel (Genesis 32:22-32), and includes references to the backstories. It speaks to all our own crap in life.

Initially I recorded the author reading his interpretation. Then, he asked if I would create a soundtrack for it, so I set about scoring to his narration. This is the result.

Here's what the author, David W. Burt, has to say about "This Wild Vitality":

"Life finds its meaning in the struggle. I have always loved the iconic, mythic story from the Hebrew Bible of Jacob wrestling with the angel. This interpretation, I hope, will resonate with those who identify with this archetype of one struggling in the long, dark night of the soul. Dave Merkel’s incredible music and sounds beautifully accent this eternal tale."

Thank you for letting me be a part of this community. You're an awesome, creative bunch ... most of the time, anyway. :lol: