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Skeeter -- Casting Out

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:10 pm
by jpetrisko
Hey guys, my once-a-year topic, just like clockwork.

Just put out a new 2-song single. As usual recorded in DP (8.07)

Kept it pretty stripped down this time, very few plugins and got my sounds before going into the box for the most part. Used Metric Halo Channelstrip for the vast majority of my EQ and Compression, and it was the only thing on most of my channels. Just a little bit of PSP Mixpressor on the drum buss and some IK Multimedia Buss Comp (SSL style) on the second song master fader. Guitars were mostly Fender Deluxe into an iso box (*yes, they really do distort like that when you crank 'em!). Bass went through the DSP in one of my Metric Halo boxes ... seriously oldies but goodies. That particular setting is a pretty overdriven Ampeg sort of tone.

Mastered with my usual guy, Tom Ruff over at Asbury Media. Very understated guys with a couple of Grammys tucked away in his closet. Great to have a second set of ears, and so worth NOT trying to do it myself.

As always, let me know your feedback and thoughts. Always trying to do better.