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Would Like To Remove Old Startup Drive, But...

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:18 am
by buzzsmith
I have 4 drives in the drive bays of my 2009 MacPro...

1. The newer SSD running 10.8.5 which has been my only startup drive for the past 7 or 8 months.

2. The older startup drive (Macintosh HD) which I kept online as there were 2 apps that I needed daily. (Since replaced.)

3. My primary Audio drive.

4. The VIs and Plugins drive.

I was thinking about replacing the Mac HD drive with another SSD for either the VIs or maybe a second Audio drive, but when I first startup (nothing except the Finder active) I can't eject the Mac HD. I get the "one or more programs may be using it" dialog window.

How would I see what files the system is apparently using from the older drive?

Would it be safe to remove the drive from the drive bay and then reboot?



Re: Would Like To Remove Old Startup Drive, But...

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:28 am
by mikehalloran
You might have something old that loads on startup. You can check your startup items and Preference Panes to see. I found an old Epson utility hanging up my daughter's recently — she hadn't had that printer since 2005. You never know till you search.

Try a force quit. This normally displays all running programs. Some Toolbar apps will not show up such as Dropbox, Dragon for Mac. Print utilities won't. Kontakt loads a utility that doesn't show up, too.

Don't worry about it. Shut down, remove the drive and reboot. If it is important, you'll know.