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How do you rename a lot files for use in M5?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:26 pm
by Kristopher7519
I have been building a fairly extensive drum library in M5. It's a pretty big undertaking, but one area that I want to improve on is the renaming of the files.

Currently, I am using the auto rename feature in Pro Tools and doing one kit piece and one velocity at a time. So for instance, I name the kick like this


I then move on to velocity 2, the 3, ect. Then I move on to the other mics.

When each drum is sampled at 9 velocities this gets to be quite intense with 14 mics.....(No, not all 14 mics play back at the same time, but you can choose which mic you use on a few of the kit pieces)

Is there a faster way to attack this? I would love any advice I can get! Thanks!