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How do I make the movie nudge when nudging the soundbite?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:09 pm
by NGati016
I am new to Digital Performer and have been getting used to the many different things about it. I like it so far but seem to run into problems figuring out how to do certain things. I am trying to figure out how to make the movie nudge by frame when I nudge my soundbite. To me, the logical thing would be for the movie to automatically move when I nudge my soundbite...but it is not for some reason. I am nudging the soundbite by 1 frame but I am not seeing the timecode in the top counter move and I am not seeing the movie move either. I am trying to place soundbites at specific timecode points and would like to nudge them there. What should I do?


Re: How do I make the movie nudge when nudging the soundbite

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:25 pm
by MIDI Life Crisis
Do you mean nudge or scroll? Movies don't move position, they are fixed and set by the start time.

If you mean to have the current frame advance, that is tied to the wiper, not the data. Scrub the wiper and the movie will advance or retreat. Moving the data will not change the visual of the movie AFAIK.

Re: How do I make the movie nudge when nudging the soundbite

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:29 pm
by FMiguelez
I think he means the setting that makes the QT movie "Follow the Edits" (MIDI and audio). If so, there's a setting with a similar name in the QT's mini menu.

Re: How do I make the movie nudge when nudging the soundbite

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:34 pm
by MIDI Life Crisis
I never noticed as I never used it. That way I added "AFAIK." Thanks, Fernando.

Re: How do I make the movie nudge when nudging the soundbite

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:15 am
by frankf
As MLC mentioned, the Movie is tied to the Timeline and only if you "lock" the Movie to it. You can advance the timeline and movie frame by frame either in the control panel or by clicking the arrows in the movie window. I prefer the later myself. When nudging or otherwise moving Soundbites and other data in any of the edit windows, you are moving that data relative to the timeline. Check the event Info window or bar to see the time code location change when using DPs Nudge, shift or any other command that moves data.

Frank Ferrucci