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Haven't used MachFive2 in two years, some Qs

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:53 pm
I lost my iLok A couple of years ago and have just recently acquired a new one and reactivated my MachFive2 authorization.
I’ve gone through a couple of system upgrades and a startup HD swap. However my original disk where I put MachFive2 sounds is still in my computer.

Is there any way, I can recover my patches? I cannot find MachFive2 in the list in the Output column in the Tracks window when I click there.

In every project I open, MachFive2 is italicized in the Output. If I click on the existing MachFive2 instrument track in the track window, it opens and I can see all the patches for an instant, but almost immediately what I get is another black window that says: sample not found couldn't load the file…. I click find all missing samples, but I get a message saying 'the following errors occurred while loading’ and a long, long list. After dismissing the error messages, the MachFive2 window is there with the patches but seems not to be functional. Clicking on a patch does not brighten it up. Only patch A1 is bright.

This is what my MachFive Folder looks like from within MachFive2
Does this look right?

Re: Haven't used MachFive2 in two years, some Qs

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:51 am
by MIDI Life Crisis
I'd start by a complete reinstall if M5 and all components. But I'd also strongly suggest updating to ver 3. It's a whole new world.

Re: Haven't used MachFive2 in two years, some Qs

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:20 am
When I load an old project, I often get a MachFive2 error with a list of all the samples that says "Sample Not Found - Could not load file xxx"
I can click "Find All Missing Volumes", but it just seems to spin forever.
I can instantiate a new MachFive, but then I loose all the patches that I had and still can't seem to load any files.
When I did a Spotlight search for MachFive, I found the biggest folder was 3.27GB in a folder that was from a previous HD. I can navigate to it when trying to load a patch, but when I choose a performance, it says "The following errors occurred while "Loading "xxx" Discard INVALID PROGRAM Couldn't load preset file 'xxx'
I just can't figure this out and want to start over, but am afraid of losing my install on the thumb drive from iLok.
Thanks in advance