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my network card causes the pops/crackles and crashes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:31 pm
by robleighton22
for my laptop, it seems the pops and audio drop outs only occur when my internet is on. when it is off i can listen to music without any issues and make music without any issues. so this is a good thing...but damn i want to be able to enjoy listening to the music whilst being on the internet. does anyone reckon that getting a new wifi card my solve the issue. i.e. are there any known wifi cards that do not cause clashes with a motu828 MKII usb. or is this the unfortunate flaw in getting a pro sound card on a pc....i am gonna eventually gonna get a mac.

Re: my network card causes the pops/crackles and crashes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:16 pm
by TheRealRoach
Wifi cards are notoriously bad for hogging system resources. This becomes especially noticeable when you are running a low-latency audio card. Your probs will likely go away if you just select a really high buffer setting for internet use.

Re: my network card causes the pops/crackles and crashes

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:44 am
by Mark S
usually pro audio sound cards are run on systems that aren't connected to the internet because of the high bus requirements involved with processing audio. Laptops are doubly lame for this under those conditions. Buy a Mac won't fix this. Why not use your on board sound?

Re: my network card causes the pops/crackles and crashes

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:40 am
by torrentg