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Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:29 pm
by The Sound
bayswater wrote: Colour picker is there, but the point was that there is a coloured bar there as well acting as background to the track name. On the mixer, if there' a colour picker, it's well hidden.

To The Sound, just what is it you think is missing?

Hmmm...maybe I am missing something, but what I meant was that I do not like working with "multiple colored waveforms", but I like using different colors for different kinds of tracks.

Under previous versions, I used a uniform color (dark blue) for all of the _actual waveforms themselves_, but as you know, their different color designations were present at the top of each soundbite in the sequence editor.

Now, it appears to me that the only way to have a common dark color for the waveforms themselves is to choose the option (paraphrased) "make everything black and use no color designations for anything", which of course gives me uniform waveform color, but no track distinction "at-a glance" with my chosen colors.

Does any of this even make sense, or am I not using useful terminology?



P.S. I have not been here in a long time due to no internet access in the studio, but I recall that there was a way to change the length of time it takes for the meta-tags to pop-up now that DP is cocoa, but I have tried using the search function here to no avail. Does any one know where that info is?

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:10 am
by Tomas E
kats_corner wrote:Thank you...? you're welcome...? it's all good. :-)
Thank you to you as well! :) I haven't used those color pickers for a while so I wasn't shure about it and didn't have much to say. But as you posted that shortcut it all came to me, I've used it too some time ago.

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:59 am
by bayswater
e-snobben wrote: Thank you to you as well! :) I haven't used those color pickers for a while so I wasn't shure about it and didn't have much to say. But as you posted that shortcut it all came to me, I've used it too some time ago.
So, to change the colour of the track,
a) control-click somewhere on the colour bar in one place,
b) click on a specific spot on the colour bar (the track type icon) in another,
c) click on the colour patch in the "colr" column in another.
d) In the track selector the name and colour appears but there is nowhere to change it
e) the track inspector behaves like the sequence editor.
f) The editor info strips will show the track name and colour if you turn it on, but won't let you change the colour.

I think someone has suggested before that it may be better to use the same graphic objects to represent the same function in different places, to use the same colour to represent the state of an object in different places, and to use the same keyboard and mouse functions to perform the same function.

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:29 am
by Tomas E
bayswater wrote: I think someone has suggested before that it may be better to use the same graphic objects to represent the same function in different places, to use the same colour to represent the state of an object in different places, and to use the same keyboard and mouse functions to perform the same function.
Yes I agree about that. But when it comes to the Mixing Window and colors it's different since they appear behind the track names. As always option-clicking is for changing the name, but to change the color you have to do something else of course. As already stated, one could expect this to be brought up in the manual. Maybe they've forgotten about it or maybe they expected users to figure it out by themselves, or maybe they thought there are enough examples of editing what may be regarded as a less important subfeature. Come to think of it you rarely need to change colors on the fly while mixing for instance. Not that it wouldn't be nice to have all of the functions "flyabled". :)

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:49 pm
by anthonylloyd
I could not be less satisfied with the GUI in DP6. It looks like it was whipped up on a weekend afternoon by a flunking junior college student as an after thought, in a last ditch effort to "get-by" with a 'D'. I thought DP5 was rather bland, but it shines by comparison.
Needless to say, I chose E.

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:31 pm
by dpg4macman
Hey Anthony,

Just wondering if you looking at the same program I am? You have to be kidding - right?

dpg4macman : )

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it? CUSTOM Way

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:28 am
by cocofiollo
Hi, dp world!

i"am customize the dp mix board, for my using job!

i'am from Reunion island,

my custom dp6


Plugins insert & btns

fader and mode solo

Control panel off/on
vers 2

By & best regard! 8)

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:55 pm
by Shooshie
It's worthy to mention that the people who designed DP's new interface didn't just draw arbitrary lines on the screen or add arbitrary buttons and windows. They had specific possibilities in mind as regards workflows. MOTU has never been one to lay out the workflow for you and say "this is it. This is the way it's done." Some processes have so many ways to do the same thing that I lose track of them all. So, when MOTU added the readouts optionally at the top of each window, the context-sensitive channel strip, similar keyboard commands in each window, the inline compressor and EQ interfaces in channel strips, a LOT of new preferences, entire sidebar windows devoted to track selections or event information, and many more new features; they were enabling us to create new workflows that make more sense and are more consistent within themselves.

I think they have done a marvelous job of giving us new ways to do things without taking away our old ways in nearly all cases. It's up to us to explore the features, commands, and prefs and figure out the new possibilities. While I understand the initial frustration of looking at your longtime old friend and seeing someone you don't even recognize, I assure you it wasn't merely a face-lift. I've gradually been learning to use it, to immediately know where to look for things (including event and selection information in the window headers), and to make the most of the new inline readouts and the channel strip, as well as a lot more. This is really becoming excellent.

In light of that, let me add that I was one of the initial critics of the new look. All I could think of was that it was too bright, too bare, and things seemed arbitrarily moved and hidden from me. I also said at the time that within a year I'd probably love it. That was an accurate prediction; I wouldn't go back now. It's very intelligently designed; I'm really enjoying the way(s) I'm working now. So, my advice to anyone who finds "hate at first sight," or even "disappointment after the 1st date," is to give her time. Explore. Try out things you normally wouldn't. In time you'll find much to like about this new interface.


Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:13 am
by williemyers
just realized that the "new look" Movie window for DP6 (and probably DP7) have dropped the Lock icon that indicated whether or not the Movie was locked to transport. You have to go in to the menu>mini-menu to see if it's locked or not.
not a good idea for anyone scoring to film/picture. the movie eats up a hunk of processor/memory resources when it's locked and rolling with a sequece. obviously, there are times when you *need* it locked and rolling, but many more when you don't.
I've always had a Key setup to Lock or UnLock the movie with a click, but i could always glance at the top of the movie window to check whether or not it was locked before begining a playback or record pass. taking away that little icon will not help the workflow

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:28 am
by The Sound
Shooshie wrote: I think they have done a marvelous job of giving us new ways to do things without taking away our old ways in nearly all cases.

In time you'll find much to like about this new interface.


Yeah, that's great; searching for mini menus is not a big deal, but the reason I am having a problem with it is because my eyes actually hurt within minutes of working in the sequence editor.

Nearly all doesn't cut it when you can't work. Am I the only one who's it having trouble with this? If so, how did you guys get around it or fix it?

I don't really have the time or the inclination to go and change color schemes track by track on ~380 project files.


Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:53 am
by bayswater
The Sound wrote:
Shooshie wrote: I think they have done a marvelous job of giving us new ways to do things without taking away our old ways in nearly all cases.

In time you'll find much to like about this new interface.

Yeah, that's great; searching for mini menus is not a big deal, but the reason I am having a problem with it is because my eyes actually hurt within minutes of working in the sequence editor.

Nearly all doesn't cut it when you can't work. Am I the only one who's it having trouble with this? If so, how did you guys get around it or fix it?
Is it possible that a lot of the people having these problems are working in poor lighting environments in the first place, aggravated by a brighter GUI? I like some of the alternatives that have come from amp and iperformer because they are more pleasing to look at, but I haven't had any real problems working several hours at a stretch with the factory DP screens (aside from some of the microscopic fonts).

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:24 am
by dpg4macman
Hey Coco,

Looks great! Thanks my man.

dpg4macman : )

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:45 pm
DP user since 1999. Finally made the jump from 5.13 to 6.02
As far as 'features' go, big thumbs up. But, the look of it, Lord Almighty, I find it dreadful. A no class, pseudo progressive, old-school-ProTools, 2D, 'bussiness environment'-like piece of work. I'm very dissapointed.
Would it be hard to make a DP5 skin? I'm even willing to pay for it.
That was all folks...

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:53 pm
by sacknell
KOEN wrote:Hi,
DP user since 1999. Finally made the jump from 5.13 to 6.02
As far as 'features' go, big thumbs up. But, the look of it, Lord Almighty, I find it dreadful. A no class, pseudo progressive, old-school-ProTools, 2D, 'bussiness environment'-like piece of work. I'm very dissapointed.
Would it be hard to make a DP5 skin? I'm even willing to pay for it.
That was all folks...
I think a few of us said we were willing to pay for a DP5 skin, but no response from the the "TOWER"..... I guess getting the 'lightning' to strike again is harder than flying a kite. "Master....... It's Alive, but uhhhh, what is it??????"

Re: DP 6 GUI - What do you think of it?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:55 am
by midiw
Mr Magoo sezs that it clearly has that snowyleopard look.

We find that in DP7 we have to change our display sizes more often generally going to the 800 x 600 more then before DP 6.

And I still wish they would allow the user to increase the height of the tracks in a track view window. 50 tracks or more tracks in a window is very hard for Mr Magoo to see clearly.