MOTUNATION (formerly UnicorNation) is an independent community for discussing Digital Performer and other MOTU audio software and hardware. It is not affiliated with MOTU.
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The forum for petitions, theoretical discussion, gripes, or other matters outside deemed outside the scope of helping users make optimal use of MOTU hardware and software. Posts in other forums may be moved here at the moderators discretion. No politics or religion!!
Timeline wrote:
His system is OS9 based SDII and not modern at all. ANY DAW producing AIFF would be better than what he is using currently as far as getting the files out. AIFF is now pretty much the standard for ALL DAWs and I'm seeing good compatibility between PT and MOTU, Nuendo when coming in in this format. Have not tried Logic yet.
Recently when have had to send files back the other way, it's much harder.
Time stamps I noticed were commented on on the main forum recently. That's another point I forgot to mention. Sometimes you just need to move a few files and not an entire session. Broadcast wave would be a help with that but it's also likely never to end up in DP.
SDII is dated because it will never support higher sample rates.
But actually I think AIFF is a bit dated as well. Besides DP all DAW's now support Broadcast Wav.
I think you'll see WAV support either in the next update of DP or the update after that.
Timeline wrote:
His system is OS9 based SDII and not modern at all. ANY DAW producing AIFF would be better than what he is using currently as far as getting the files out. AIFF is now pretty much the standard for ALL DAWs and I'm seeing good compatibility between PT and MOTU, Nuendo when coming in in this format. Have not tried Logic yet.
Recently when have had to send files back the other way, it's much harder.
Time stamps I noticed were commented on on the main forum recently. That's another point I forgot to mention. Sometimes you just need to move a few files and not an entire session. Broadcast wave would be a help with that but it's also likely never to end up in DP.
SDII is dated because it will never support higher sample rates.
But actually I think AIFF is a bit dated as well. Besides DP all DAW's now support Broadcast Wav.
I think you'll see WAV support either in the next update of DP or the update after that.
I would be quite choffed to have broadcast wave as well. Just anything
that we all can use.