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Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:47 pm
by cuttime
Best DAW I've ever used:


Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:55 pm
by MIDI Life Crisis
ThT and a Miss Piggy boombox and the world is a very hoppy place. Moi oink!

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:13 pm
by jlaudon
I'm still trying to figure out what 'echooing' is.... 8)

I think this guy is upset (since he's a windoze guy) because he can't use Garageband or Logic 'Pro' X, which would suit his dumbed down workflow perfectly.

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:46 pm
by Shooshie
jlaudon wrote:I'm still trying to figure out what 'echooing' is.... 8)

I think this guy is upset (since he's a windoze guy) because he can't use Garageband or Logic 'Pro' X, which would suit his dumbed down workflow perfectly.
Don't forget; he's got Cubase and Reaper. What else could you need?

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:13 am
by Sean Kenny
Shooshie wrote:
jlaudon wrote:I'm still trying to figure out what 'echooing' is.... 8)

I think this guy is upset (since he's a windoze guy) because he can't use Garageband or Logic 'Pro' X, which would suit his dumbed down workflow perfectly.
Don't forget; he's got Cubase and R•••••. What else could you need?
....and if Cubase users stick around long enough they get poor copies of DP features, Cubase's rip-off of pitch automation was only about 7 years late! and nowhere near as good.

Come to think of it I've never had a musician proudly tell me they use Cubase, it's always more of an apologetic confession!!

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:32 am
by philbrown
This reminds me of being out with friends. Me: "We really like [restaurant name], it's great." "Really??? That place is terrible! A friend of ours got food poisoning there, too! We can't stand that place!"

Can't people just not like something without loudly announcing it and making sure to ruin everyone else's day too?

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:58 am
by Phil O
I don't have a problem with anyone complaining about DP. The forum does have "criticisms" in the title after all. The line that really bothers me is:
jujube wrote:I don't understand how you guys enjoy working with that daw.
I guess if you've been here a while and everyone knows you, you can get away with a statement like that, but from a first time poster I find it kind of offensive.

I guess I'm just old school. I come from a time when common courtesy was the norm. Oh well, color me obsolete.


Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:12 am
by mikehalloran
jujube wrote:I don't understand how you guys enjoy working with that daw.
Because we learned how.

Yea, we get that there are many things that you don't understand. :shake:

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:51 pm
by James Steele
Oh man... I haven't read the original post yet... but the subject header caught my eye. I'll move to the Windows section after I post this.

I think, Shooshie, you said this might be why MOTU might need to add an all-in-one MIDI/VI track to DP. There might be some truth in it. I think we're beginning to see the influx of DAW users who have perhaps NEVER seen a multi-track tape machine, or a patch bay, our have any experience with routing an audio signal through hardware effects. They do not have any experience with the idiom that mature DAWs like DP are based upon. What makes so much sense to those of us who are familiar with that is foreign to people who never stood over a console with friends assigned to mute or pull faders down while the mix was going down "live" to a 2-track tape machine.

I had a friend years ago who was very much into animation and one of the problems for people who dove into animation on computers without any grounding in the old-school techniques employed by artists who did that by hand, is they weren't aware of many of the fundamentals. He explained "squash and stretch" to me. A cartoon character's face will widen or narrow depending on facial expression or while talking. Many of the newbies who had never done line drawings by hand never heard of this and their animations would look wrong. Many of the best computer artists I ever knew had spent some time with a charcoal pencil and sketch pad at some point in their lives.

Just a weird, random observation, but we live in interesting times where the multi-track tape idiom that early DAWs used in order to relate to the experiences of their potential customer base, is no longer a common touchstone to many new DAW users.

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:54 pm
by James Steele
jujube wrote:You want to open a Virtual instrument track? Joke! You have to combine regular MIDI track with the VI one...
I don't understand how you guys enjoy working with that daw.
Because we've probably been doing this a lot longer than you have. The separate tracks thing made a lot of sense if you knew something about how DP evolved and that there used to be hardware modules and the like. If you had experience with tape machines and mixing boards from years past, DAWs were designed to be relatable to those people. I would guess you're 30 or under? BTW... you posted in the Mac forum so I've moved your post/rant.

Re: Probably the worst daw i've tried

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:25 pm
by amplidood
jujube wrote:I've tried and worked with many Daw since Voyetra ;-) Cubase,R•••••,Sampl.etc. DP8(win.)is by far the worst.Layouts(Font)-MIDI(terrible echooing) wich is unacceptable. Asio crash on every opening of the Soft. You want to open a Virtual instrument track? Joke! You have to combine regular MIDI track with the VI one...
I don't understand how you guys enjoy working with that daw.
The good thing, it's no more on my Pc. Good luck
I don't know how in the world you got anything done with those older programs if you seriously can't figure out DP. It astounds me the limited amount of steps in problem solving it takes for some people's heads to short circuit. I personally still use 3-4 DAW's in my work because none of them handle every single task to my liking. I'd hate to think of your melted brain pouring out your ears trying to handle what I do.