I don´t know if I´m understanding you correctly, but there´s a preference in the MCU itself to link the selected tracks to the mackie or not ( SELTRK or something like that, the last to the right if I recall correctly)Killahurts wrote:This! ^^^^^^^bayswater wrote:I'd like to see changes to DP itself in how it responds to MC/HUI emulation controllers. Currently, changing fader banks on the controller changes track selection in the DP Mixer window so only the tracks active in the controller are displayed in the window. I'd like to be able to set the Mixer window track selection, and have it stay as set.
And, in the TO, selecting a track with the mouse should cause the Bank/channel on the controller to jump to that selection. Also, there should be an option for fader-touch = selection.. I do believe Logic supports this, so I know it can be done.
Still, I think that the main issue with MCU protocol lies within the fader assignment category. I´d like to see many other things, but, to me the controller is mainly faders, buttons and pots for channels, I could do without the rest, or do it via other devices. Preferences I´d like to be able to switch when using a controller:
-Show v-racks
-Link to shown tracks (onscreen)
-Reflect closed/open folders
-Link to selected channels
-Every possible way to change the reflected channels globally anybody can come up with.
Add to that a custom layer or channel locking, but channel navigation as a main focus.