DP 11 and routing ins/outs with NI Maschine 2 and MK3

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DP 11 and routing ins/outs with NI Maschine 2 and MK3

Post by Rhytamics »


Looking for help configuring (routing) Maschine 2 with NI MK3 to record tracks directly into DP11.

I was able to setup Maschine with tracks and record from the MK3 into DP. However, the MIDI track faders in DP have no effect and channel 1 of Maschine's 16 channels is tied to the instrument track in DP, which sort of makes it useless! Also, can’t use multiple Ext outs (2-16 from Maschine), again making mixing Maschine in DP sort of useless!

Thanks in advance!
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Re: DP 11 and routing ins/outs with NI Maschine 2 and MK3

Post by macbethas »

Did you ever resolve this? I have the same issue.
Beth Schafer
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Michael Canavan
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Re: DP 11 and routing ins/outs with NI Maschine 2 and MK3

Post by Michael Canavan »

Ugh, NI erased me and the Maschine moderators extensive breakdown on how to do this unfortunately. Look into the Groups, right clicking the group and changing the way groups work from 16 channels for one drum group to a single channel, then you can record a single MIDI track into DP. I don't use Maschine anymore, but this is the process I used.

Right click Group track, then select Group MIDI Batch Setup/Group Sounds to MIDI Notes (Instead of Sounds to MIDI Channels)

As far as multi audio out it's not that complicated, but I never really saw the point since Maschine hosts plugins and has it's own dedicated knobs for mixing etc.
M2 Studio Ultra, RME Babyface FS, Slate Raven Mti2, NI SL88 MKII, Linnstrument, MPC Live II, Launchpad MK3. Hundreds of plug ins.
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